Tuesday, May 20, 2014

weekly stills.....

1. Nearly finished the sewing in of threads, I feel a little tadah coming up! :)

2. A sunshiny work table, we have had an unseasonably warm and sunny week, the house has been light and airy, much more Spring like than Autumnal!

3. I might have to tackle this tomorrow, I've left this pile on the back of the couch to try and guilt myself into getting the iron out.  The thing is, there is always something more interesting to do!

4. A big hit of colour,  the latest order of Loyal wool has arrived  in the shop, lots of colours topped up now!

5. It seems I am a sucker for coloured pens, couldn't resist these lovelies, fine tipped and great for writing.

6. Baby pea plants waiting for their turn in the sun.  Can't wait to get them climbing up their twigs.

7. It's weird, these little mignonette lettuces are the only thing my mystery visitor in the veggie garden leaves alone, at least there is something for us to pick.  The broccoli and cabbages have been nibbled to within inches of their lives, poor things!

Joining in with the other weekly stillers over at Em's place.

What's been happening at your place?


  1. Have a nice week! Ce que vous faites est très joli.

  2. A lovely array of colors. (Let's not discuss ironing shall we?!) Our (spring) peas are blooming and lots more up, tomatoes planted as well. Happy seasonal planting!

  3. I absolutely love you stripey blanket Jules, look forward to the ta-dah. Have a lovely week.
    Jane x

  4. Have you tried listening to audio books while you iron? They can make time fly and mundane jobs pass in a flash

  5. Thank you for the patterns and tutorials. You make everything so clear and the colors you use are just beautiful.


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