of my fav yarns at the moment is the lovely 8ply pure cotton from Bendigo Woollen Mills, it is lovely to use and has a nice drape to it. I know it's nothing fancy, but so useful and soft, my only problem is the colour choices are a bit limiting, nothing too bright and there are a few shades that are definitely a little nana-ish.
Having said that, there are still some nice colours to choose from, and I am always on the look out for bright colours in pure cotton that is 8ply, sometimes I buy two balls of 4ply and use them together, which works ok.
I also really like Colorworks 8ply merino wool, it is really soft and pleasant to use and has some great colours! (Colour is often a first requirement for me in my yarn choosing!!) I am happy when I have a nice little stash of Colorworks, because it is often my 'go to' yarn, so I try to keep a few balls of my fav colours on hand most of the time. ( Unfortunately they have just discontinued my fav green, so am stockpiling this colour when I come across it in the shops)
I don't really like using acrylic yarns as I find my hands get clammy and hot and then knitting and crochet are no fun at all!!
Glad you've made friends with your computer again! They can be temperamental!!
ReplyDeleteI agree with you on acrylic yarns - not nice to work with and so very squeaky!! I use quite a bit of cotton and things like bamboo, hemp, soya (I'm allergic to wool!).
GORGEOUS yarns. Color is typically a primary requirement for me in choosing yarn, as well. I LOVE the color in your stash!
ReplyDeleteNice post, i am very boring with my choices of yarn, i use acrylic blends but mainly because of the cost and wide range of colour choice. I would like to branch out though and try other yarns, i only learnt how to crochet about a year ago too and think i need to leave my comfort zone and investigate a bit more!!