Tuesday, November 30, 2010

sneaky look....

Hello......just a quick sneak peak of something I have been working on this week. Nothing too earth shattering, just a scarf, but I think it will come out quite spiffy!
It has been nice to pick up the needles again and do a bit of knitting, as I have been a bit preoccupied with my new love, crochet, recently. I am going to make this scarf a bit of both and add some crochet to it as well.

(Please excuse my grubby chair, it has had a tough life!)

Hope to have some finished photos of this tomorrow, so see what you think then.

Have a great day!


  1. Looks a little like Pippy Long Stocking in a scarf....really, really great! I can't wait to see the final reveal!

  2. I think it looks very pppi Longstocking too!
    I'm so excited your getting back on the needles again.


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