
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Sock begins......

       Well, my creative space today is all about my first attempt at knitting socks.                
Yes, I am edging closer to the granny side with every day! hahaha..... 
I am finding it slow going at the moment, but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it  eventually.

Don't you love this wool! I do!

We went for a lovely drive in the country yesterday when Gary had a day off, and I went to a great yarn shop in Kyneton and I picked up these cute little knitting needles just right for socks.  
I think I could get quite addicted to making socks, so many beautiful self striping yarns out there!

Joining in over here today at Our Creative Space.


  1. That yarn is really pretty. I can't wait to see the socks.

  2. I wanna learn too!! I've always wanted to learn how to make socks. I'm going to wait and see how easy it is for you and then I might bravely jump in!! Fabulous wool. Have you seen the Kaffe Fassett sock wool? Love Kyneton too.

  3. I love the yarn you are using. Now, since this is your first go at socks, I only have one thing to say (coming from a person who has knitted just one pair of socks herself) trust the directions when you come to the heal, it might not make sense, but trust it and follow it and you will be ok. I am a newish knitter (been crocheting since the beginning of time) and when I read the heal directions, I thought they were smoking something..but then I realized, it was me and not the directions...yeah, that kind of happens a lot with me and knitting patterns. :) Can't wait to see your finished socks. :)

  4. Wow, this is pretty cool. Of all the years I've been knitting/crocheting, I never have done a sock, never learned either! I'll have to find a tutorial somewhere and give it a shot!

  5. Ooooh i do love a bit of sock knitting,, and i am sure that when you have masterer it you won't be able to stop......happy sock knitting ..Pixie x

  6. Wow that looks complicated but so much fun ;-) Gorgeous coloured wool. Have fun with it, dee x

  7. You are doing a great job!!! Keep you the great work.

  8. Ohh you've got the DPNs out! Only succeeded with these once,, too fiddly for me! Love the wool though, looking forward to seeing the finished pair :-)

  9. I still have to make a pair of socks too, but it is finally spring here and I'd rather make some other projects. Warm wooly socks are more autumn projects for me. I'd love to see your first sock journey, lovely yarn.

  10. I have some sock yarn but have always had the feeling that that they would come out different sizes?? These look excellent.....maybe I WILL give it a go?

    B x

  11. Your pictures are of my favourite place in a sock in progress; where the ribbing's done and you're a short way into the leg and for the first time it feels like it's going to be something, rather than just some mysterious ribbing with needles sticking out. Enjoy your journey to sock knitting, it's enormous fun and you're going to love it.

  12. Love this yarn, beautiful! I got turned onto sock knitting by another blogger who writes about socks all the time, so I finally *learned to knit* and took on socks as my first real project (I'm crazy - I know!) but they actually came out not so half bad, and it felt GREAT! I'm onto my second pair and requested (and received) sock yarn for my I'm obsessed! Good luck with yours, and enjoy!

  13. Ooh, the colours on that yarn are really pretty. I'm still a bit intimidated by sock knitting, even though I've picked up using DPNs. Looking good so far!


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