
Monday, March 26, 2012

color me happy....

Over the weekend I spent some time in the garden and noticed that my dahlias were putting on a last late flush of flowers, so i just had to pick a bunch for inside. Thought you mighty like a look at the gorgeous colours.  They kind of made my day, so cheery and flamboyant.
Hope they brighten your day too!

Just a quick post today, I am heavily into sock knitting mode at the moment and want to finish my first one before my enthusiasm wanes!  

Have a brilliant day where ever you are!


  1. Your dahlias are absolutely gorgeous. Just love those colours.
    Anne xx

  2. Just this afternoon we were out shopping for some songbird seed
    and right by the entryway to the store were boxes and boxes of
    Dahlia bulbs.
    It must be time for us to pop them in the ground.
    After seeing these BEAUTIES
    I must go back and get some for our garden.

  3. Stunning colours Jules.......certainly would brighten you day.

    Can't wait to see the socks, it's been the wether for them over the weekend,

    Claire :]

  4. Love dahlias. Must get some in our garden. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Your dahlias match your sock colours ...good colour co-ordination hey!?

    Fleur xx

  6. oh, that color is just what we need in Holland, good that i put your blog on my side list.
    We are just getting some green above the ground, so it realy is nice to see.
    ps. if you wear socks (if you only tride one sock on) you know right away why you do the effort to make them.

  7. Those dahlias are so delicately beautiful. Picture 4 just made me wol (wow out loud!)

  8. your dahlias are absolutely beautiful!!! no wonder they cheer you up....their colours are amazing!!


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