
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

New book for me...

I have seen this glimpses of this book on lots of lovely blogs recently, and it certainly caught my interest!  So when I was in our local bookshop the other day and saw it sitting on the shelf, I decided to buy it.  I am sooooo glad I did!! much gorgeous eye candy in one place, what's not to love?

....lots of inspiring homes and spaces.......

..........beautiful furniture that I want right here with me, thank you very much!

 .......serious fabric stash, more drooling ......

I am definitely bringing the tablecloths outside from now on, turns ordinary to special so easily......

........I want  my bedroom to feel like this calm, cool and airy.  Think it might be time for a paint job, out with the purple and in with the cool green!  
I'm off to bed to have a closer look and do a bit more dreaming!

See ya!


  1. Ooooh this book is EVERYwhere and it's also going to come live in my bookshelf.

  2. This is just such an awesome book. Colour burst galore! Doesn't it just make your heart sing looking at the gorgeousness! I adore bright and eclectic. I could spend a whole day just reading this book and daydreaming! ha ha!

    Have a super day!

    Vanessa xxxxxxxxxxxx

    p.s thank you for your comment on my post! x

  3. I am getting so much out of this book. It hasn't left my side since I got it. Happy reading!

  4. Yep, this is the first thing on my shopping list too as soon as i get paid at the end of the,, 'come ooooon pay day'..

  5. Oooo I'm jealous I keep seeing this book and now I really want it!

  6. What a fabulous book filled with luscious photos ... I want it too!!!!

  7. What a gorgeous book. I haven't seen it before. Thanks for sharing. x

  8. I keep popping into that book, all over blogland.

    I, though, do not have a copy (as yet) so am appreciating the glimpses.


  9. I so want this book. I keep seeing it - surely that's a 'sign'. It's just too expensive at the moment and I can't justify spending that sort of money on a book. Get the violins out if you have them.


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