
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Weekend gardener...

This weekend I'm hoping to spend some time out in the garden, it is looking very green, and there is lots to eat too.
I have been trying to sow or plant at least one thing a week this year and have been fairly regular with this, so the garden is looking far more organised than usual.  I'm liking it!
Summer things are coming to an end and I am getting ready for Autumn planting, but we still have lots of .....
....... beetroot.......

 spinach beet or perpetual spinach.......

 ..........more beetroot.........


 ....spring onoins....

...........bok choy (hen pecked!) and lettuce......

Looking forward to planting some celery, snowpeas, sugar peas, rainbow chard, more lettuce, broccoli, red cabbage, spinach, carrots and some sweet peas and poppies.  A big day in the garden tomorrow!


  1. Yum! I wish my garden looked nearly as full!

  2. You've got lots of lovely stuff there. Wish we lived somewhere warm enough to grow citrus fruit! xx

  3. Wow, lots in your garden Jules, well done on the regular planting, it's paid off.
    Not such a variety in my garden but it's still producing a little bit .........

    Want to have more veg in Winter this year, so I better get Sweet Peas and Poppies too.

    Bok Choy looks great....was it a success? I like to use it in stirfries.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend,

    Claire :}

  4. Having just got a juicer this looks like my idea of juicing heaven, what a crop! And limes?! That's amazing - lucky you!

  5. All those greens look so lush! We're just starting to think about planting here, but spring is arriving, so I'm thrilled. How fabulous to have limes in your yard!

  6. Que horta linda.

  7. I always keep the allium heads because they make such a lovely structure after they have flowered. Your pics are a real feast of green which is much needed at this time of year in the UK - those limes look particularly wonderful! :)

    B x

  8. Your garden looks marvellous. I think I might have to take a leaf out of your book and try planting something each week too... must mulche the garden before the autumn planting starts.

  9. Wow your plants all look so healthy, even the henpecked ones! We're just gearing up for the big allotment push and there has been some garden tidying, just dreaming and planning!

  10. What 'green fingers' you have!

    Your veg looks brilliant...lucky you.

    Fleur xx


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