
Thursday, March 29, 2012

My creative space....half way there


I don't know where the days are going at the moment!  Every time I look up it is Thursday or Friday!
The early part of the week just seems to disappear into a big jumble of stuff that I find hard to recall,  all 
my well laid plans and things I want to cross off my to-do list seem to get pushed to the back of the week and I actually have very little to show for how I spend my day.  
I think I spend a lot of time day dreaming.  Imagining how things could look, or things I could make, or things I could plant, or just procrastinating.  Think I will do something about all this dreaming, not sure what though!!

Anyhoo, I have managed to finish one sock!  Half way there! Yay!  It wasn't as hard to negotiate the heel and shaping as I was anticipating, so that was a good thing.  I just followed the pattern to the letter.
I am using the sock pattern from  'The gentle art of knitting'  by Jane Brocket,  such a great book! 
 Must keep soldiering on to the second one and not say I am finished till I have a pair of socks. 
 I quite like the way the pattern has come out with this wool.  I think it is that German sock wool brand Opal, they do lovely things with self striping yarn.

..........also been making some little hats for the cooler weather, the crochet hook is so much quicker than the needles!  These are for babies and I have made them in lovely soft merino so they are nice and cosy for those cute little bald heads.  I got on a bit of a roll with these, so many lovely stripey combos to make up!  I like this classic shape too, I think it really suits simple striping.

Think these will go towards my on the never- never market stall, slowly collecting some things to sell.  Maybe some in my little shop too, I have some more combos to try out yet!!

What have you been up to lately?

See you later!


  1. I'm so with you on the time thing! I just don't know where it seems to be going to lately, and I am the same also, my daydreaming is getting ridiculous! I am in love with your sock! It's my dream to learn to make socks. I started to learn to knit last week, and flippin' 'eck, it's so much more tricky than crochet! My needles are everywhere! Think it is going to take a HUGE amount of practice and patience, so any socks coming from me won't be here for a few years yet! ha ha!

    Loving those hats!

    Have a super day and rest of a week!

    Vanessa xxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. well done! it looks great. i think it`s a great gift if you can manage to crochet so much and daydream at the same time hahahaha, look at your work and i`ll know where your days go!
    i have been deying yarn with Kool-aid yesterday.
    that is so much fun to do,

  3. Those hats are so cute. I love them. I like the sock too.

  4. The little stripey hats are cute. :)

  5. I know what you mean about time - it goes so fast - it always seems to be Friday already :) I love the little stripy hats, they're so cute. I'm trying to work my way through my WIPs - I'm great at starting, not so good at finishing.

  6. These little hats are too adorable!! I'd love to see your socks again when they become a pair!

  7. Cute beanies!

    I'm currently creating a baby blanket for my very own expectant baby. I will post when I have a finished :-)

  8. Jules, I don't think you can say you haven't been productive........those little beanies are so sweet...

    This year does seem to be flying I feel like a mouse in one of those wheels at times. Going nowhere fast and I hate that feeling too.

    Well done on finishing the sock, you're probably half way through the other one by now!! Self striping wool always fascinates me, can't wait to see the how the stripes turn out...

    Hope you're enjoying a beautiful day there, looks like another stunner here in the North East. Have a great weekend,

    Claire x

  9. Congrats on your first sock! I made a pair with the exact same yarn. Knitting socks is stupid addictive though. You have been warned :)

  10. Love the sock, so nice. Those hats are so cute ..... reminds me of 'Where's Wally' .... they are really really nice.

  11. Great sock!!! Do so wish I could crochet socks I did try but got very annoyed with it!! Will have to go back when I am less stressed I think! The little beanies are gorgeous the colorful stripes!

    Keep well!


  12. I LOVE the stripey beanies! They are absolutely adorable! Did you use a single, half-double, or double crochet stitch? I'm just learning and haven't quite yet figured out how to idenify stitches in photographs. Lovely work!



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