
Monday, April 2, 2012

Working on something new.....

Today marks the first day of the school holidays here, so we have 2 weeks with the boys at home, with Easter in the middle, should be a nice break.  We don't have much planned, as usual we are a bit tight on funds at the moment (getting paid monthly, the second fortnight is always a bit of a long stretch), so will probably dag around here at home a fair bit.  The boys are fine with that, and I am sure we will catch up with friends and family as well.

Being at home so much means I can have some big crafty ambitions for this fortnight, which is great!
I have even cracked out the coloured pencils and done a bit of planning and playing around with colour schemes.

 I like these greens together..........

.......and these are as close as I could find in my pencils for a colour scheme that I think will be very pretty, the wool colours look great to work out stripe placements....

............or maybe I'll go for a rainbow of colours, a bit of a carnival, circus feel. 
It is so much fun playing with colour, I love working out pleasing (to me) combos, and I think it will speed up my crochet, as I do spend a fair bit of time trying to decide what colour to use next in my current random approach to colour work.

Anyway, here's the start of my new blanket, I like the pattern, nice and solid and cosy, (I am not really into gappy patterns) and it is easy to do.  I am going to use the one pattern for the whole of this blanket, I like the stripes definition.  And I have several colour combinations I'd like to make, so these are going to be cot size blankies, it will be interesting to see how much I can get done on the holidays.
I still have the other sock to make yet too!  Must keep that in mind before I am of on another tangent!

Have a great day!


  1. Hi Jules, I'm also on holidays and planning a few crafty projects too. Just had news of a new baby coming to the family in October so plenty to do. Loving your colour combos! Anny :)

  2. Enjoy your crafty holiday break, at least our Melbourne weather is good for most of this week. :) I love your idea of using colour pencils to get an idea for crochet colours. I love the pattern you are using too.
    Anne xx

  3. Hi! I love the way your blanket is looking and the wonderful colors. Just curious of what kind of stitch are you using? Happy Easter!

  4. *adore* that stitch....what is it? (you tell and we can google!!!!)
    ~Rachael in NZ

  5. bellissimi colori 8come sempre) e bellissimo punto
    che punto è ????? potresti mettere un post con la spiegazione ..con foto magari
    buon lavoro <3

  6. Lovely colour combo. I never thought of using colouring pencils and graph paper to design colour schemes and patterns. Gosh I must be dense :)

  7. Gorgeous colours, love the pinks at the top. And the stitch, like everyone else, what is it? Are you willing to share.



  8. Beautiful colours, I would also love to know what stitch you are using if you would care to share???
    Jules (also!)

  9. Hi - I also would like to know the stitch so we can google. Pleasee? - Thanks, Robyn

  10. Gorgeous colours to play with, loving your blanket that stitch is beautiful it looks like a cluster of tiny stars. Have a great holiday with your boys, dee x

  11. I like the blanket so far. What pattern are you using if you don't mind. Does look like star clusters! Haha

    And I like your idea with the pencils, cool way to match colors!

    <3 Jenn

  12. Beautiful (I, too, would love to know what this stitch is called!)!! Lovely blog ~ I'm now following! So nice to "meet" you!
    Anne ♥♥

  13. HI Jules... this blanket is looking lovely.. I love the colour combinations... I never plan mine, but I think I might take a leaf out of your book if the results are so pretty! :)x

  14. lovely colors, amazing blanket!!!please make a tutorial for us.

  15. Like everyone else I'm very curious to know the stitch!!!

  16. Que colores tan bonitos.
    Besos y feliz semana.

  17. Me TOO! : ) Love to know the delightful stitch name and how to. Thanks so much. Happy holiday and crocheting to you. I also love that you work with your colored pencils!

  18. Hi Jules, isn't the planning of a new project FUN!! And this one is looking gorgeous!! Love the pattern and how it looks like rows of daisys. Enjoy the hols. Trudy

  19. LOVE the colors. LOVE the stitch. I, too, can't wait to learn the "how to".

  20. los colores son preciosos, tus creaciones siempre tienen mucho color por eso te sigo aunque no hablo ingles, pero utilizo un traductor y no me pierdo tus labores, donde yo vivo es un difícil conseguir colores bonitos, solo hay colores básicos.

  21. This is how I do my patterns too! Only, in excel. Same thing! Virtual Graph paper!

  22. i love the colours and that stitch looks lush

  23. Wow that new blanket looks great, like how you've created your colour layout on the paper - I ought to try that out, usually Im way too excited to begin a project to do that but I can see where it would be VERY helpful for me sometimes!! Enjoy your holidays, love Julia x x x

  24. Love the stripey effect with the star stitch!

  25. Adore the blanket! I'll be stalking your blog to see what the stitch is too! Xo

  26. Me too!!! I would love to know what stitch this is - it is sooooo pretty! Love your colours - it inspires me to start my blanket. Thanks for sharing! Greetings from Germany


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