
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Christmas star crafting.....

 Hello everyone!
I thought I'd show you what I have been making this week, something a bit Christmassy, as December is nearly here!  It is a cute little knitted star, I am loving making these, the little diamonds are quite addictive and I love all the colour combo possibilities!

I was taking a bit of a look around blogland and came across the pattern for these stars 
here at the lovely blog  Dutch Blue,  (now called The Dutch Sisters) of course I had to give it a try!  I have kind of given it a Little Woollie touch, but it is pretty much the same pattern.

And then I noticed that Vanessa at Do You Mind If I Knit  was making the same little diamonds, I'll be interested to see what she does with them, her work is always gorgeous!

I've really enjoyed dusting off the knitting needles for this one, so I thought I'd share my little side track into knitting....... here are some of the little diamonds straight of the needles, lots of lovely colours!  I am using 8ply pure wool for these in a variety of brands, it is a great pattern for using up little straggly bits of wool left over from other things.

.....I like the striped effect, so have made many stripey combinations.

........after a bit of blocking they hold their shape better....... are some of the colour combos I had fun playing around with (and have yet to finish)....

 .....a Christmassy colourway..........

.......and here is the one I have sewn up so far, I didn't do matching colours for back and front, I like the mix of colours and stripes, I think they all go together .......

.............I decided to crochet my star together instead of sewing right around it, here it is all pinned up ready to be crocheted.......

............and here is the finished star! I am really pleased with how this worked out, and have lots more planned, they are fun, fun, fun!!

I popped 2 nice vintage buttons in the middle, one on each side, so I can hang these babies and let them twirl a bit, this way there is not really a back and a front.

 Haven't got around to hanging it yet, but might do a bit of a bigger ta dah when I have finished a few more and can get a bit more of a massed effect, I envision a lovely dangley display of colourful stars, maybe in a window..........I have a heap of lovely 4ply wool that might be just the thing for some smaller ones too.....hmmmmm.

I have a few other Christmas decoration ideas to try out, so will show you how they turn out when I get around to them!

Back to the clickety clack of my needles, I think my crochet hook is getting jealous..haha

Have  a great day!


  1. I LOVE it! I have no star for my tree, and today I sorted through my stash, so I'm now fully aware of all the little bits and pieces of left overs I have that would be just perfect...

  2. Wow!! That's great! I love the colours you have used!
    I've been crocheting for a couple of yaers now but I'm fairly new to knitting and this seems like a good thing to try! Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. Well-- I think that is so pretty -- Such a refreshing and original idea and I love it x

  4. What a fantastic star ~ I love it! :O)x

  5. I love the star. You have such good and definitive taste, I love how you put color together.

  6. That is so nice. How cool will that look on the tree. I love that star!!

  7. Hey Jules, love the little woolly stars, very cute...........

    Wouldn't they look colourful in the milky way?

    Can't wit to see your ta dah moment,

    Claire :}

  8. Such a nice idea and perfectly sewn together, I like it!

  9. Lovely, lovely, lovely diamonds! And your finished star is gorgeous too. They are so addictive aren't they! I notice yours are much neater than mine, beautifully knitted. Will you be able to stop knitting them do you think?! Vanessa xxx

  10. Jules, great star, love the pattern and the color combinations. A fun way to use up scraps of yarn.

  11. It's so nice!!!
    I like it very much!

  12. I love your little stars, so festive, I shall start to feel festive after tomorrow when number 1 son turns 23! birthdays come first!

  13. Oh you are so so clever. Love those little stars......xx

  14. Just as you think you have seen every kind and colour of Christmas decoration there is...along comes your beautiful star! I hadn't seen this pattern before...and you really did inject a little bit of 'Little Woolie'..I could tell it was yours from... well a few! :)x

  15. wow! that is so pretty!! maybe next year I'll be able to knit better so I can make some!

  16. Love the stars, so much nicer than lots of glitz somehow!

  17. Only just found your blog (via attic 24) and am delighted! Lovely things, lovely colours - really cheery! Thanks!

  18. Your star is so nice, may be I'll make one with a will be possible, no? Thanks a lot for your pattern :-)) (all my excuses for my bad english...)


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