
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Advent Swap......

So, it's nearly December and look what  arrived here the other day!
My advent swap parcel full of lovely packages, looking very festive and cheery, and with a whole heap of candy canes too!!  The lovely Vickie from Vickies Crafting was my partner for this swap, and I think she has sent a gorgeous parcel of Christmassy happiness!  Thank you so much!  

I have to say the bloggy community is a pretty great one. When I started blogging, I never dreamed it would be such an inspiring, generous, sharing, and rewarding community of people with similar interests, experiences etc, spread all around the world but joined by the blogging experience. Just amazing!

Thank you once again Vickie!  I will do a few showings through December of things as they get revealed I think!

Christmas crafting post coming soon! (just got to finish it first!)


  1. How fun. What could be better than a box of presents just for you.

  2. How exciting! Isn't it nice to thunk that each of those parcels was made with you in mind!

  3. Hope you have fun opening them all, I enjoyed selecting for you,oh by the way--I thought you might have a few spare hands who might enjoy sucking on some candy canes,cheers Vickie


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