
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Christmas (twig) tree..........

Our Christmas twigs looking a bit forlorn and presentless.

 It has been a full on week here, blogging got put on the back burner, but I am back into it now!

I am joining in with My Place and Yours over at the lovely Punky and Me for the first time today, I saw the theme was Christmas and thought I might as well jump on the band wagon!

We did the tree yesterday, I use the term 'tree' loosely, as it is kind of a sticky, leafless version of a tree.   We are going for an airy, eclectic, whimsical Dr Seuss-y feel at our place this year, and this is how it turned out. You may laugh.

It is surprisingly tricky to find suitable twiggy branches that have enough little stubby bits to hang our assortment of children-made, me-made and trashy decorations.  Very tricky indeed.  I thought it would be easy as we live in a kind of bushy place, but gum trees don't make very good stubby branches, too smooth and not branchy enough, and the scrubby undergrowth doesn't yield much in the way of sticks at all.

So our stick collecting was a bit of a fail, I had to resort to the pruned bits of our flowering cherry tree and cut off all the dead leafy bits. But they do work well I think.

We were going to spray paint the sticks, but my son's spray paint stash was down to gold only and it wasn't a very nice shade (looks more like vomit green to me), so we have gone with the naturale colour scheme.
Had to wedge the star off to the side rather than the top, as this was the only bit of suitable Stick Intersection.

Looks good at night though.

Definitely lots of airy bits!......

.....and I think once I do some Christmas shopping and get a few pressies under it, it will look like the super freak tree that it is!!  It will...I just know it.... I promise.....yes it will....I'm sure....

Oh well, the boys think it looks pretty interesting (it got the high praise of 'cool'), so that is the whole point of decorating the Christmas tree anyway, isn't it?

Hope your festive preparations are going well too!


  1. It looks amazing! Wonderful idea.

  2. I think it looks fantastic, love the crochet ornaments on it. Meredith

  3. all the beautiful decorations- i think it looks wonderfully festive and pretty xx love fairy lights, especially at night xx

  4. Oh I just love it ... it's gorgeous. It looks so pretty with all the decorations and lights on it.

  5. It looks a very 'happy' colourful tree to me. Just perfect.
    Carol xx

  6. Kind of reminds me of a Charlie Brown Christmas tree - all twiggy at the beginning and then pretty when they're finished decorating it. Nice idea. :)

  7. I think it looks delightful. And very loved. :)

  8. Que linda decoración!! Hermoso tu blog! Saludos desde Argentina!

  9. It's fabulous.Unique, interesting, creative and fun.

  10. I love the twiggy tree. My mum use to do this when I was a kid and I thought it very arty and creative.

  11. What doesn't look better covered in fairy lights, I ask you?! (There is an episode of 'One Foot in the Grave' where Victor has a pile of manure at the bottom of his drive, covered in xmas lights "to warn pedestrians"... hehe)

    Welcome to the MPAY Christmas party & thanks for joining in, hope to see you playing along in the New Year too, Merry Christmas! (...and a twiggy New Year....)

  12. What an amazing tree! I love that all you really see are the decorations. So lovely!!

  13. I love how anything goes, originality is foremost, I adore your "twig". It's all about Your Christmas and it looks like it's going to be a very beautiful one at your house. xo.

  14. Beautiful - thanks for sharing, Judy x

  15. Veggiegobbler has a linky going on her blog for trees just like your gem, I am sure she would love to see you.

  16. I love your alternative tree, I think it looks very modern and designer! That bunting looks fab too. ♥

  17. Your little tree looks very pretty, I've made one similar too and made it sparkly with some paint and glitter, my boys were highly amused at my crafting!

  18. That is completely gorgeous I loooove it.
    Now silly, silly me I've been wondering why I can't see people who've submitted their tree links on my blog this week. And it's because I hadn't done my linkylink thingo right! Anyway, I've fixed it now!

  19. Love the tree, love all your wonderful knits!

  20. Great article which you share above. I am so impressed by that. Above every picture looking awesome. Thanks for sharing such a great decoration article.


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