
Thursday, April 14, 2016

it's been a while.......

Hello there! 
How are you all? Good I hope! 

I thought it was about time I blew the cobwebs off my poor neglected blog and stuck something up here.  It does feel like a long time since I last posted, life has been rather busy and each day has just run into the next and before you know it months are passing! 

So here's a little catch up post, and then hopefully I will get back into some form of regular posting. 
I have been doing lots of making; washers and flowers feature heavily, as well as finishing off my Sunburst granny square blanket, it deserves it's own post I think, it is pretty cute! 

My wool shop has been keeping me occupied with lots of lovely new stock arriving for the winter months ahead.  I still have lots of yarns on my wish list, but I'm slowly getting a great range of beautiful yarns in stock, so that is making me very happy.  I really need to spend more time on promotion and marketing, but I guess we all have our strengths and weaknesses when it comes to business.  Everything seems to take a lot more time than I anticipate! 

......recent heart washer on the hook, I like this colour combo, but then again I love so many of the colours in the Cascade Ultra Pima, it is hard to choose which combo to try next.........

.....the couch had become a bit of a yarny dumping spot, I really need to try and keep things tidier in here! ........

....I seem to have these little piles of colourful makings all over the shop, it does make me feel good catching glimpses of them all day long.......

This is a squishy pile of Misti Alpaca Handpainted Chunky, so many beautiful shades in there, And some new ones coming later in the month. I can't wait!  

So what have you lovely peeps been up to recently? 
I'm sure you've all been keeping busy, hopefully getting some creative time as well! 

I'll be back tomorrow with an Etsy Finds post, it's been ages since I did one of those and I have lots of new shops that I've spotted.  I'm trying to leap back into blogging after my unintentional absence, so if I write it here, I might actually achieve it ! 

Have a great day! 

Talk soon! 


  1. Sounds like you have been busy, always hard when you are running your own business. Love the colour combination of the heart washer, inspirational.

  2. Hi Julie! I loved seeing the colorful yarns... and glad that good things keep you busy :) like your yarn store! I went there - it is really lovely!!! Well done.I look forward to see your sunburst blanket finished.
    well, yea, I am also busy in the office and at home, very little time for crochet these days, and I also started making crochet jewelry, but it also requires more of my time which is lacking as of now. Anyway.
    Take care and have a great day!


  3. de magnifiques grannys c' est superbes toutes ces jolies couleurs!! il faut participer aux love challenge ce serait cool voir blog a bientôt et félicitations pour ces réalisations

  4. Love those hearts!!!

  5. Dear Julie,
    Thank you for popping over to my corner of the world. It looks like we are paddling the same boat for the moment. :) I see blog posts like this pretty much everywhere for the moment. Bloggers apologizing for loosing touch, being to busy, lost their equilibrium... Maybe this is a blogging phenomena... Most of us have been out here for a good 5-10 years and things have dramatically changed during this time. The simplicity of putting our a picture of a granny square and rmble about life and craft has been replaced with high quality blogozine powers... You almost NEED to be a professional photographer, graphic designer, stylist, designer, sales woman, marketer and project manager to pull off your blog space. I feel comfort in your words and want to cheer you on for your future winter months to come... Keep going in your own space. And enjoy all those lush yarns you have in your shop. Throw in a yarn blinker every now and then in your IG feed and it will be ok. Every time I do so, I sell every day. When I don't it goes silent. We need to remind our fellow crafters that we still have yarn on our shelves for them, it is as simple as that I guess.
    Love your sofa BTW, wouldn't change it all. Just cuddle up there and feel real good. :)
    Have a lovely day, I guess you are already in bed by now so Happy Monday when you read this.
    Annette (My Rose Valley)

  6. Wow , so wonderfully colorful , it is here. With great pleasure I look often in here.The granny blanket is really a dream.
    Have a nice day

  7. Beautiful photos, beautiful work and truley inspirational

  8. So lovely to find a new post! Life always gets in the way of plans for sure. All lovely yarns and projects. Busy times here with spring full on weeding season. lol Swarm catching and painting all those projects that didn't get finished last fall. Shawl making at the moment. Have a great day!

  9. Change of seasons always brings a change of pace. Part of the life cycle - that's my excuse and I am sticking to it. Glad you are keeping on keeping on... :-)
    Love the burst of bright colour you bring to the blogosphere.

  10. I enjoyed catching up with this post and the next one. Coincidentally, I woke up thinking of sunburst granny squares, so seeing your header image and also the photo of larger "sunburst" squares afghan on the sofa made me smile. Alexine


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