
Monday, February 29, 2016

Darling Dahlias

Hello there! 
 I thought for the last day of summer in would be a nice thing to share some beautiful blooms that my dahlias have produced over the last month or so.  I have really tried to be more consistent with my care of the dahlias this season and the plants have rewarded me with the best display of flowers that I have ever grown.  Such bright and showy flowers really speak of summer to me. I hope they keep blooming for a few more weeks, I will be dead heading like crazy to try and get another flush of buds. 

So, are you looking forward to Autumn?  I'm a bit sad to see Summer go, it always seems the most relaxed season to me, and I love the long days, but it will be nice to have the cooler months again and all that cosy crochet time in front of the fire. :) 

Have a great day everyone, I'll be back with some crochet to show you soon! 


  1. Hi Julie! Loving to see your dahlias! I think these are the colors you like to use in crochet :))
    Have a great week ahead!

  2. What a beautiful show, stunning colours. We are just approaching Spring with all the beautiful bulbs popping up everywhere.

  3. Oh I love those dahlias...I've never grown them before but you have inspired me to try with your magical photos

  4. Your floors are gorgeous. I will miss Spring where our temperatures are volley, we are moving into the hot and humid summer very soon.

  5. All these beautiful dahlias! Gorgeous! We are waiting for Spring here! :)

  6. superbes tes fleurs de jolies couleurs jolie photos merci biz a bientôt

  7. Love them Have a great week!

  8. What gorgeous dahlias! Years ago I had some sunny yellows ones as big as dinner plates, sadly I lost them. Spring is soon upon us here in the Southern US, so I have daffodils and other early spring flowers blooming. A wonderful site after the grey winter we had. Enjoy the dahlias while they last!I look forward to the hooky update.

  9. Wow, wonderful dahlias and beautiful pictures!
    At the moment a little bit of snow is falling, we are hoping for spring.
    So strange that in Europe everything is the other way round, isn't it?
    I would love to visit your country someday....
    Have a great week and enjoy the weather!

  10. These dahlias are lovely. We are still immersed in winter right now here in the US. It's been warm in February and rain which is much needed in California is on its way.

  11. Beautiful. I hope you enjoy your coming season. Fall/Autumn is my favorite.

  12. Lovely bright colours.... here in the Netherlands we're looking forward to spring...*Ü*...

  13. Wow, wonderful dahlias and beautiful pictures!

  14. Beautiful pictures and stunning dahlias. The colours remind me of some of your projects. Have a lovely day

  15. Thank you for sharing your beautiful photographs - perfect inspiration for us creative types.


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