
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Slow Living 2012 -April Report

Today I have decided to join in with Christine at Slow Living Essentials and her Slow Living 2012 diary project where you report on a variety of topics each month. 
 I thought this would be a good way to keep track of garden progress and other achievements through the year.  
Sometimes it feels like time is passing and each day goes by with little happening, but when I write down what has actually been completed/achieved in the month it really makes me feel like I am doing something worthwhile here at my little home.
Slow living is something that I like the idea of, yet it is quite a challenge these days to slow down and get off the fast paced life occasionally.  
I find some areas of my life are much slower than others !

Anyway, here is my first report,

April 2012

 Nourish - ( Cooking successes, great recipes, etc) 
Have been doing a lot of cooking as usual in April.  The standard baking of sweet stuff, and Easter gingerbread, cooked for a crowd at Max's birthday, lasagna with home preserved tomatoes and homemade pasta was a hit. Soups are starting to appear with the cooler weather, I made lamb shank and barley, minestrone and pea and ham soup this month.  I also made some sweet potato and lentil pasties that were yum, must post the recipe at a later date. Using home grown garlic and lots of fresh eggs too.

Prepare - ( Preserving / Stockpiling)
I didn't do much preserving this month, we were eating things fresh too quickly.
I did restock the pantry a bit with bulk flour and oil when it was on sale.

Reduce - ( Cut down on household waste)
Um, didn't really do anything towards this in April, except have a bit of a clean out of my hall cupboard and send a few big bags of thing up to the op shop.  More cleaning out and decluttering to continue through out the year.

Green - ('Greening' up your life)
In April I have started riding my bike around a lot more as an alternative to the car for short trips.

Grow - (Garden progress)
Things are really going well in the garden in April. I cleaned out a lot of the finished summer stuff, prepared beds for Autumn plantings, made teepees for climbers, reclaimed weedy areas for more growing space and tried to stick to my plant something at least twice a week rule.
Harvesting beans, lettuce, silverbeet, spinachbeet, bok choy, kale (for the chooks), beetroot, and lots of herbs.
Sowed tuscan kale, broccoli, red cabbage, green cabbage, cauliflower, sugar peas, snowpeas, brown onions, torpedo onions, rainbow silverbeet.
Planted garlic, lettuces, celery and broccoli seedlings.
Plenty of mowing and whippersnipping as the grass has been growing as I watch!

Create - (Crafty)
Finished the Star stitch blanket and started another one, and knitted a sock.

Discover - (Learning, Reading, etc)
Learnt how to knit socks!
Read a good book called 'Garlic and Friends' by Penny Woodward, all about growing the allium family.

Enhance - (Community Involvement)
Worked in the Community Garden, Made Anzacs for a fundraiser at School, joined the fundraising committee at school to raise money for there kitchen garden program.

Enjoy - (things we did for fun!)
Easter and the school holidays were generally fun, I like the change of routine. We also celebrated Max's 12th birthday with a party here and had a nice family dinner out for my dad's birthday too.

There we go, April in a nut shell!
Roll on May!

Have a look over here if you are interested to see how other slow lifers have gone in April!


  1. What a fantastic idea! I often feel like I'm not getting anywhere fast, but perhaps I need to be keeping better record :) Loving your blog and your blankets particularly- dreaming of starting my own soon :)

  2. You're right Jules, sometimes the days just seem to roll into one another and you think you haven't achieved much, but if you write it all down..........

    Your garden is looking lush with lots growing in it at the moment..........Must make some lamb shank and barley soup I ♡♡♡ pearl barley.
    I had a peek in my 'plastics' drawer this morning and the clean out earlier this year doesn't seem to have made much impact so it's time for another.Plus I better check out the laundry cupboards too.......eek!!

    Gorgeous rose, hope your week is going well and welcome to may,

    Claire x

  3. You had a great April! :) Wishing you to have an awesome May as well!

  4. Wow, I love the idea of slow living. You've had a great April and I'm impressed with (envious of) your gardening *looks at own brown patch of weeds and mud* *sobs*

    I feel inspired to have a go at this myself. It might keep me a bit more focused on the important things.

  5. I agree with your thoughts about life going by and not taking note of progress we are making... Sounds like your month was by productive, really.
    Your garden is amazing. And a beautiful rose photo ...

  6. Thats one of the reasons that I joined the slow living challenge - to remind me to slow down. Recording those things really helps. I start writing and wonder if I did anything towards this goal and find that I did! Which is a great feeling! Its a great challenge and I look forward to it every month. Hope to see you next month! - Kara

  7. Hi Jules, I'd not heard of this slow living monthly review before but I like the way it's broken down into separate sections. I've done a monthly review for the last couple of months and really enjoyed recapping on what I've been up to, it does go by without noticing otherwise doesn't it? You have had a busy month. The veggie garden is looking very productive and that rose is so pretty. Happy May to you.
    Jo :)

  8. Wow what an amazing month :-)

  9. I have been so inspired by your post - and have also clicked onto Christine's slow living blog - its not a concept I have heard about before. I have written a little bit about it on my own blog................. I hope you don't mind Sue

  10. Your garden looks fabulous and well done on the garlic. We are growing some for the first time this year.

  11. I'm new to this link up...what great fun. I love your garlic picture!

  12. Oh my goodness, I've just discovered your lovely blog via Slow Living Essentials! I'm off to have a peek at all your lovely crocheted goodness!

  13. Wonderful to have you joining in, Jules! Like Evi, I can't wait to have a look at all of your crochetness. Your garlic looks spectacular and the Easter gingerbread sounds most tempting. Enjoy the month! Christine :)

  14. It sounds like you've been really busy in your garden and big kudos on knitting your first socks. I'm currently working on the 3rd attempt of my 3rd pair. :-)

    Your sweet potato/lentil pasties sound delicious and well, I'm not sure what I can say about that rose, except it's the perfect way to end a post.

  15. Dropping in from your link on Slow Living Essentials - your vegetable garden looks fabulous, maybe some day mine will look like that! Fingers crossed!

  16. Sounds great Jules. You have achieved sooo much, but youre right, it often feels like we arent doing anything much.

    Hey, I would LOVE the recipe for the sweet potato and lentil thingies. I try to cook with lentils a lot. It helps with female hormone stuff.


  17. come via Slow Living Month..your garden is thriving , great garlic!


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