
Thursday, May 3, 2012

rainy day craftyness.... what have you been up to today?  
It's been raining here all day, gloomy and cold, so I got the fire going this morning, warmed the place up, and bit the bullet and tidied up my craft room.  I felt so much happier after it was all nice and tidy, and the best bit was I didn't feel guilty about spending the next couple of hours hooking away on my blanket!! A very pleasant afternoon on this rainy day. (Another star stitch blanket.)'s a flatter version, must admit I do like these colours! 

....and one very soggy garden!!  It usually takes a few days  for the water to subside once we get puddles like this.  At least the garlic is getting a good soaking in! poor chookies (a bit blurry, sorry!) looked very bedraggled, they have a nice dry house they can go into, but they preferred the rain!

Anyway, see you later!


  1. It's looking pretty - you always put your colors together nicely. :)

  2. A good day for making progress on crafty projects :) Your garden looks so green with all the rain, our chickens are not so brave, sheltering in the dry, though the dogs on the other hand like to get thoroughly wet and muddy then shake themselves all over us... sigh xx

  3. This weather is annoying, isn't it? Sunny one day and raining the next. I love the colours you're using on your blanket :)

  4. I did so love your last star blanket but the colours on this one are beyooootiful!

    Hmmm, you may be the other side of the world but your weather is looking pretty familiar!

    Heather x

  5. Hola. Me gustan mucho los colores que utilizas en la manta, son preciosos.
    Un saludo.

  6. love your new blanket!!
    xxx Alessandra

  7. I love the star stitch pattern, I have just started one of my own. I love the colours you have used on this one - yours seems to grow much faster than mine!

  8. Love the colors and the stitch. Have you seen Kristen's at Cozy Things? Using a linen stitch! How fun are all these new things to try. Thanks for sharing!

  9. I love the colour combinations of that blanket. You have lots of space in your garden! It looks great, even with the puddles! Poor chookies! Mine have been looking a bit miserable in the rain as well!

  10. Wonderful colours, I love that blanket and I love the star stich, too.

  11. What a beautiful colour choice! What yarn have you used??

  12. We've had the most fabulous day in Cumbria! I love the blanket ... not just the colours but the texture is gorgeous.

  13. Sounds like perfect weather for all things crafty certainly looks damp there.

    Love the new blanket, great colours ...

    Claire :}

  14. Doesn't it feel wonderful when you have tidied up something? I did a little tidying/cleaning too. I think the colours in your new blanket are just delightful. Hope your chookies had a nice warm sleep in their house. Happy hooky-ing on your blanket! :)

  15. Hi Jules, just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

  16. You have a fab eye for colour! It looks absolutely stunning.

  17. Blanket is looking awesome! Stitches are just so even and neat!:)
    Wishing you to have more sunny days!

  18. Your blanket is looking great, loving the colours.

    Have a lovely weekend.
    Fleur xx

  19. Oh my, I really really really want to do a star stitch blanket. Your colors are amazing! I also am in love with your garden and chickens. I dream of having the space for a bit of both someday!

  20. I love your blankets. I think, though that on your odd rows you stitched 'through the back loop" causing that interesting line between rows of stars. I like it, it is different than the tutorial you linked to.

  21. When you have something as beautiful and colourful as your blanket to work on, who needs sunshine!

  22. Beautiful star blanket! Poor lil chucks in the rain.

  23. Hi Jules,
    They are gorgeous blankets! I tried the stitch last night following the tutorial and have just done a bit of homework on it again this morning. I am very curious to know though if your stars have a front and a back? Mine does and i'm wondering if it's supposed to. Would be delighted to hear your thoughts! Love your latest too - boo for ends! :)


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