
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Round here....

So this week has been flying by, starting with a lovely Mother's Day lunch with the family, I scored some long awaited books ( I think they deserve a post of their own), and hugs and kisses, I was happy.
Mum liked her brooch, (I always though you spelt brooch 'broach'. Sorry, wrong. I see how everyone else spells it this way, so I am going with the flow), so that was a winner.

......finally got around to cleaning up my craft space, I ended up moving everything into new spots, change is as good as a holiday and all I have been spending a bit of time in there hooking up some more little flower thingys. Fun.

What have you been up to round your way?
I hope the week is going fine!

see you soon!


  1. I live your craft space, especially your chair! That is just devine and makes me want to snuggle in and get my hook out :D

  2. Your craft corner looks lovely, little envious.

  3. *sigh* look at that wall of wool! and can't forget that awesome book on top of that pile there!

  4. Great craft space. Like your big basket of wool.

  5. I want to live in your craft space .....bliss

  6. The craft room looks great. I love that granny blanket on the back of the chair. I love it a lot!

  7. I would just love to have some craft space, your looks lovely. Also lovely picture of your family. Glad you had a great Mother's Day.

  8. I've been giggling at your craft space - how much fun would my 4 cats & 2 dogs have in there - and how long would it look that gorgeous? I think I know the answer...

  9. Ah, love the craft room.
    Don't worry about 'broach'...I actually learnt today that 'scarve' is spelt ...'scarf'.
    (Now, is that spelt, or spelled?)

  10. OMG ... love your craft room, I have bags beside my chair lol, maybe one day. Looks like you had a fab mothers day.

  11. I just love your studio mine is more for stamping and paper arts and bits of mixed media.But now that im in love with yarn and learning to crochet I need a big comfy chair so i can sit and enjoy my new addiction.TFS your studio

  12. Hello! I think I'm jealous of your craft space. It looks very inviting. And I love the colour of your yarn there in the last photo x

  13. Hey Jules do you want a break away??? I'm really in need of a good tider-upper up here in Qld... ha ha You have done a fantastic job of your fibre room... I so need help... but I will get there one day at a time eh!...

  14. Your craft space is just lovely. The cheerful.

  15. Hello Jules,

    Thats what I call a decent amount of space for ones craft thingys not like the miserable corner I am allowed at present. I am going to have to stand up to my rights and demand a well proportioned area just for MY things. I think I am going to print off this pic of your craft space to demonstrate just what I seems its the only way!!!

    Amanda :-)

  16. Your craft space is amazing makes me want to change colors here at my house.


  17. Your colours are just divine, I would love to make truck loads of those gorgous flowers.....have them everywhere. Thanks for sharing.


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