
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Fun flower make

So after my big few weeks of blanket hooking I have been having a nice change with some much smaller makes.  Instant gratification. You can't beat it.
I wanted to make a double layered flower that was kind of a graphic representation of a flower, with a fairly sculptured, 3D effect.  I like edging the flower petals with sc, I just like the play of colours that this allows I guess.
I couldn't be bothered looking for a pattern in googleland, so had a bit of a play around and made something up myself, I am sure it is not that original, there are heaps of flower patterns out there already!

The red one at the back is my first version, I improved it slightly for the red and white one, and made a couple of other changes for the blue and green one.

I have to say it was FUN making these!  I want to make a lot more!  It is so great to be able to potter around with colours and different yarns and buttons. It was so good to stretch the creative muscles (even if it was only for this little bit of whimsy!), and I am really happy with my sunny flowers!  Having a design idea in the head and then seeing it come together as a finished thing is very satisfying.

I am making these flowers into little colourful broaches ( I suppose they are quite chunky really).

I was inspired by the fact that Mother's Day is next Sunday here, and I wanted to make something for my Mum.  My poor Mum, still getting handmade presents from me, nothing's changed since primary school!! Hah.

Anyway, I've got to go and get a few broach backs for these ( this one is just balancing on my cardi for the photo, could not find one safety pin in the house!) 

So I am off to enjoy the gorgeous sunny day we are having with a big walk, a nice bowl of soup for lunch and some cooking for the boys this afternoon.  I do have a very lucky life!!

Hope you are all having fun creative days wherever you are!

Joining in with the peeps over at Our Creative Space, go see what everyone has been up!


  1. Fab flowers Jules, they certainly make great brooches, I'm sure you mum will love it.

    A bit of creative whimsy never goes astray either...

    Hope you're enjoying a sunny day down there, it's a pearler here in the North East,

    Ciare :}

  2. They are gorgeous. I've been making a few flowers too and will be turning them into broaches mainly for my girls who adore them :)

  3. These are adorable! I'm just getting into flowers, too. Can't wait to see what you come up with next~

  4. Love these flowers Jules. Your latest two blankets are gorgeous too :0)
    Jacquie x

  5. Poor mum? Not half! She's a lucky mum indeed! x

  6. These flowers are so very pretty and I am in awe of anyone who can design their own patterns. Well done! dev x

  7. ha! my mum gets handmade pressies from me too - although this year I bought her a gift from Made It ....a gorgeous felted scarf! I bet your mum is going to adore her flower brooch...

  8. your flowers are really beautiful!!
    xxx Alessandra

  9. Those flowers are gorgeous. I've nominated your blog for a Sunshine Award to say Thank you for all your lovely crochet posts. The details are on my blog if you'd like to accept. Emma xx

  10. Love love love it! The 2 tone edge is the best part. Any chance of even a basic pattern? Great colours. MM

  11. Jules, I love your flowers, your mum is a lucky lucky lady!!!!! (to have such a talented daughter) You have such a fun way with colors! I hope you have a great mum's Day too!

  12. Love your little flower broaches and I know your Mum will love to receive one for Mother's Day. :)

  13. Oh they are so pretty, you can't beat playing around with some yarn and a crochet hook can you!

  14. Those are so pretty! I especially like the contrasting color edging on the petals.

  15. Love your flower broaches, very pretty.:)

  16. I'm addicted in crocheting flowers and love yours a lot! I like both the colours and the pattern! Why don't you make a tutorial?:-)

    1. I agree with angeliki, I would love to see this brooch in a tutorial. LOVE the brooch.

  17. Hi Jules
    Your flowers look amazing! Love all the bright colours. I'm just getting into bright colours now after being a neutral girl. Work in progress. Lucy over at attic24 typepad loves bright colours too and flowers. Worth having a look if you haven't already. Keep up the good work.

  18. What fun!! Your flowers are gorgeous. Great brooch idea.

  19. They are fab! I have just started crocheting, thought I had the hang of it but it seems I have invented a new stitch.... Oooops :( Going to have a good read through your blog! xx

  20. I love your flowers!!
    beautiful colors.
    Have a nice weekend.

  21. such a lovely idea! I love people who can just make stuff from their head! I'll get there one day! And I think I liekhe blue one best - I think you've got it down pat now!

  22. These are adorable! I love the colours you've picked out too, so pretty :D

  23. beautifull as always jules!!! and the buttons make them even more perfect!

  24. I love the flower brooch and it is such a great idea for Mother's day. This is the second time I have been to your blog.

  25. Your flowers are Fabulous! Happy thoughts to you!

  26. The flowers are beautiful. The colours are so goreous.


  27. precioso todo,me encantan los colores.


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