
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Yarning on....

Hello there!
How are the holiday's going for you?
The weather has turned decidedly cold here, just right for some cosy crochet on the couch! 
(Lazy days around here at the moment)
Max has been taking some photos with the camera, and wanted me to put them on here, so pictures are courtesy of Max today! ( He seems to like all the colour round here too!)

............waiting for their turn to shine....

......I'm getting on with my star stitch blanket, nearly finished!......... I am the other night, all alone, happy in my crochet world, don't even have the TV on!

............I'm off to go and do a bit more right now and watch the new Game of Thrones.  
( I loved these books, and the TV series is good too!)

Have a great day!
See you later!


  1. What beautiful wool ,the colours are gorgeous and you look very cozy in your room xx

  2. Nice pictures - I love those large windows in your living room. :)

  3. Great photos Max ... you should be for hire!

  4. What a cosy and relaxing room you have! And a very good little photographer there too.

  5. A guest photographer? How exciting. I sometimes have one of those when my husband wrestles the camera from me! I love your blanket and am now very curious about the view from your windows, a room with a view is perfect for crochet.

  6. Love these perspectives and again I LOVE these colors!! What brand are they if you don't mind me asking? :)


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