
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!


Are you scoffing your weight in chocolate yet?  
The Easter bunny has been here and there is plenty of choccy for breakfast today!

Yesterday we got into the spirit of all things eggy and made some gingerbread eggs and then did a bit of decorating with the piping bags. It was fun! (for me anyway!)
 They are all gone now, very yummy too!

Hope you all have a lovely Easter, we have had some brilliant weather for the holidays, so have been having a great break.
I have been cracking on with my star stitch blanket and it is not far off finished. Just run nout of a couple of colours, so will have to wait till shops open to get some more. Grrrrr.

Anyhoo, hope you enjoy your day!  

  Eyeing off the icing bowls.....sugar overload on it's way!


  1. Those gingerbread eggs look scrumptious and all that gorgeous decoration. :)
    I love the colour of the walls in your home, beautiful.
    Anne xx

  2. Muito lindo seus ovos.
    Maravilhoso domingo de Páscoa.

  3. Feliz Pascua!!
    ::: (\_(\
    *: (=’ :’) :*
    •.. (,(”)(”)¤°.¸¸.•´¯`»
    Feliz Resurrección...

  4. Gingerbread...YUM!!!! They look delish! Have a great Easter! lol Laura x

  5. Happy Easter to you ~ those biscuits looked very yummy! :O)x

  6. ooooo gingerbread eggs! yumma. they look fab.
    Happy Easter to you.

  7. made me want chocolate... not hard to do, just sayin'....
    Happy Easter!

  8. Yummy Easter egg cookies, hope you had a lovely day.

  9. Those cookies look fantastic! I bet you did have fun. And even moreso with the eating part. :) Happy Easter to you and yours. Tammy

  10. ahh looks like you had great fun making those cookies they look yummy to ;-) dee x

  11. Fabulous looking gingerbread eggs. Love baking with my littlies, they do it with such gusto!! And nothing lasts long in our house either!!

  12. Hey Jules, those gingerbread eggs look delish.....not surprised they're all gone.

    Love the icing colours too, it makes everything look even yummier.

    Hope you've had a great weekend,

    Claire :}

  13. I love gingerbread, so gingerbread eggs really appeal to me. They look so nice. I love the colours you have used for the icing. Much like your colours when crocheting. Good job.

  14. Yummy gingerbread eggs! I recognise that look on your sons face, mine do exactly that whenever there's anything delicious to lick! We are officially all chocolated out here but we had a good Easter, looks like you did too!

  15. Lovely bright and colourful Easter gingerbread!

    Hope you had a lovely Easter, just catching up as I've been ill over Easter but not missed much as the weather here in Cheshire UK has been miserable, grey days and rain all over the Easter bank holidays :(

    Fleur xx


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