
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

One a day project, and other stuff.

hello. how is your day going?

Our summer holidays are nearly finished with the boys back to school late next week, and we have been lucky with a spate of lovely warm weather to end the break on, so have been enjoying the sun and heat swimming and relaxing, and just generally veging out.  It will be a shock to the system getting up early again next week, so we are making the most of our last days of slothfulness.  I have to say this is mostly on the kids part, I have actually been getting up and going to the gym in the morning and getting back before they surface!! 

I have been doing a bit of hooky stuff too, it's all about the granny at the mo........

 ..........these are my first weeks worth of granny goodness for the 'one a day' project  over at Gingerbread Girl.  I have been very good and have actually got a head of myself and made a few extra this week, but I am only going to show 7 a week, in case I miss a day here or there, I have a bit of breathing room.......

 I am enjoying this pattern and these colours, I think I want to make a bed spread size blanket for winter, so will need quite a lot of these squares, maybe 150 or so.  That makes this about a 6 month project, so I'll see if I get bored with it or not.
I am also toying with adding another round of dcs to thicken the last colour of each square, might try it on a few and see what it looks like.


I was up quite early (for me in holiday mode!) and the sun was bathing the vegie patch in this lovely light so I had to try and photograph it, doesn't do it justice though, but you get the idea.........

..........the sunflowers were kind of glowing with colour, brilliant!

One of my new dahlias has opened, and I was so excited to see what colour it would be, and it hasn't dissappointed!  A lovely peachy pinky colour fading out to the edges, very happy.

.......And these are some hollyhocks that have also turned out to be a great colour, and I love how the sun changes the colour shining through the petals.

Anyhoo, that's all for now, we are off for a swim at the beach, it's getting hot!! 
See you!


  1. Grannys adorable! And what a beautiful purple flower!

  2. Ooh, a swim at the beach sounds lovely........

    Your vegie garden looks great in the early morning light with splashed os colour in amongst the greenery.
    Beautiful Dahlia too, mine are feeling the heat at the moment...

    the granny squares are coming along nicely, it will be amazing when it's finished, all the best with it Jules.

    Righto, time for a cool drink and into a bit of sewing, bye....

    Claire :}

  3. I always love the colours you use... this blanket is going to be gorgeous!

  4. oh your grannies look snuggly your vegie garden looks great with the sun streaming across it..your flowers look very vibrant too,cheers Vickie

  5. oohhh warmth, heat and sunshine you lucky lady ;-)) Its cold, damp and wet here in England you enjoy your lovely weather ;-)) Lovely granny squares such pretty colours to. Your garden looks lovely what a gorgeous huge vegetable patch nothing beats being about to grow and pick your own the taste is so much nicer than shop brought. dee x

  6. Your squares are so pretty, such gorgeous colours! And what lovely light in the garden.
    Sandra x

  7. I love your grannies, the colours are very 'Cath Kidston'. Your garden photographs make me realise just how much I am missing nicer weather - it's cold and damp here today and trying to snow :(

  8. Lovely squares, I love the fullness of them, they look very squishy!

    Your garden flowers are looking lovely, I do like dahlias, so showy.

    Enjoy the last bit of the hols!

  9. Your squares are amazing, love your colours! Wonderful photographs, so sunny! It is raining and very foggy the whole day at my place.
    Have a lot of fun today!

  10. Your squares are lovely. Love your colour choice and the pattern is so adorable. What pattern are you using?

    Love the photos of your sunny garden. Mine is very wet after all the rain we have had over night!

  11. Your garden looks wonderful, I'm a massive fan of dahlias and can't wait for summer to arrive back here so some of mine will brighten up the garden.
    I love your squares, they look so textured. They are very flower like themselves and the apple green colour is gorgeous.

  12. Apart fromt the beautiful crochet, it's lovely to see Summer gardens as it's so grey and drap and cold here (in the UK) and it's a wonderful reminder that this shall pass and it will be summer again !

  13. I do love the design of that square, it's so cute and the colors make it that much more cute! Nice to see some bright colored flower pictures as well since here on the east coast of the US it's good ol' winter still!

  14. OOoooo what a lovely post! All that sunshine...and a lovely vegetable patch... AND beautiful crochet squares (great progress)...I'll linger awhile if you don't mind... I can feel the heat coming out of my computer and the colours are making me feel happy! :)x

  15. Hi!
    Beautiful little squares. Love the colors. We are in the middle of winter here, so your post was very nice to see. Your garden is awesome! Have a great day!

    Food for Thought

  16. These little squares are gorgeous, I love the colours.xxxx

  17. Your squares look awesome, the bobbles look very good in the squares :)

  18. Your projects make me want to crochet again! I have been mostly knitting lately. But these colors and pattern look so prrrretty.

  19. Your dahlilas are gorgeous!
    Your squares are fantastic! Love them.

  20. I love the squares! Where's the pattern from?

  21. Got it! Sorry! I can see it's in the last post! Just catching up ;)

  22. Great vegie garden! We're still in the "wouldn't it be great to have a vegie patch?" stage, but I'm still hopeful for its beginnings this Summer!!
    Your squares are coming along beautifully (very sneaky to withhold them all, just in case you loose a day - brilliant idea!)

  23. Im liking the colours in those squares, theyd make a great blanket.

    My veggie garden has been a complete non-event this year, theres been so much rain up here in New South Wales, and not a lot of sun. Maybe Ill get it together for some winter veg.


  24. Welcome to our little group so lovely to have you along for the ride. Your squares are gorgeous and I love the way you use colour lots of lovely muted colours. xx

  25. Hello! I am loving all those bright colors in the squares you are making. Your flower photos are splendid as well. I had to think for a moment about your boys being on hols still, with summer, and then I remembered where you lived! I is quite cold/snowy in the mid-west of America.

  26. wow - the sunshine just arrived! What a wonderful, colourful post and the perfect antidote to a grey dismas day here. I love your squares and your colour choices x

  27. tus grannys se parecen a tu jardin!!q lindo todo!amor y áz en tu vida

  28. Hello! Doing the Tuesday Tally rounds. This is my first week. I LOVE that pattern with the little puffy bits. So cute.


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