
Monday, January 30, 2012

My Place And Yours....GREEN!!

OK, I'm joining in with the girls over at Vic's Punky and Me and her meme 'My Place and Yours' today.  How could I resist?  The topic was GREEN!!  One of my favourite colour bits of the spectrum!

So here we go, a gorgeous spring green here, 

plenty of green at our place, 

in small stuff,

found hanging around,

in from the outside,

 still outside and not quite in,

fab fabrics,

on the walls,

in the kitchen,  (all action here for a late night  birthday bake up),

even the window frames don't miss out.

In fact every where I look here I find bits of green in all it's beautiful shades.

I might search out other colours in our place for something to do one day, and make a series of rainbow- at - home posts, might be a nice colourful series.

Have a look at the other guys  MPAY green visions over at Vic's.

Have a great day, see you soon.


  1. Green is very beautiful!! Very nice photos.

  2. Oh my gosh, your display shelves/nooks and all your bits and bobs in them are to die for! Would love that in my home:) Cyndy

  3. Wow thats lovely and so is your home love the shelf with everything displayed looks fab. And i love the red with the green to its gorgeous. dee x

  4. Definitely can't go past those shelves, it looks amazing!

  5. WOW!!! The theme was obviously MADE for you!

    Love it all, especially the shelves & clock... *swoon*

    Thanks for playing - but seriously - how could you not?!

  6. Ahhh, I love seeing all that green, those shelves are amazingly awesome. I'd love some like that myself.

  7. Oh I love this green post! I want that little clock. So cute!

  8. Love your photos! It makes me look at my home in a different way...hmm what colours can I see....

  9. I LOVE all your green fabulousness, so pretty!

  10. I have fallen in love with your home. So many beautiful green things around your lovely place! Simply adore the shelves...and the bunting...and the tiles...and...well I love it all!
    Peace, Tara

  11. oh my so many beautiful green treasures. gorgeous pics.


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