
Sunday, January 1, 2012

A New Year ....Possibilities!!

Summer garden: elephant leeks in flower, so pretty

Happy New Year!

All the best for 2012, I hope it will be a year filled with happiness, creativity and fulfilment for everyone, whatever your personal dreams are, I hope this year brings them closer to reality.

sunflower joy

A few things I want to work on this year:

* I am hoping to get my productive garden working more consistently this year. I want a more even spread of vegies, not a glut of one thing and nothing of other stuff.  so I will be trying to plant small amounts more often.  I think they call it succession gardening.   Being more self sufficient in our vegies is very doable, I just have to get some planning going and then actually do what I plan!!

tomatoes and basil loving the sun...

* I want to make a lot more of my own patterns for crochet stuff.  I have a little book that I write my ideas in so they are not forgotten, this year I want to try and make a few more reality.  I know that nothing is really original in a craft that has been around for as long as crocheting, but if I make up my own ideas, my own way, at least it will have my twist to it!

baby bean seedlings starting to take off....

*I'd like to say I will do a post a day on this blog, but I think I might get very boring and run out of stuff to write about and show you!  Maybe I will try and blog at least every other day, even if it is just a photo and put more recipes and colour inspirations and book reviews and crafty ideas and useful plants. Maybe I won't run out of things to write about after all!!

 little lettuce seedlings ready to pop into the garden...

* Might try and learn a few new skills this year too.  Not sure what they are yet, but I am open to new experiences,  maybe sour dough baking, screen printing, and stamp making.......we will see.

On a slightly different note, I see that Pip over at Meet me at Mikes is starting an interesting project 
"A Year Of Good Things".  
 More good things happening in the world sounds like a good idea to me, I like it  a lot!!  You document one good thing you do each day for another person (or yourself), and that's it!  Just spreading the good happy vibes out into the world must be worth a try, so I am going to join in and see how I go. 
 Maybe a weekly post to keep up to date.  
Pip explains it much better over on her lovely happy spot here.

Do you have stuff you want to do this year?  
Have you made a list or do you go with the flow and see how the year unfolds?  
I might let things unfold a bit this year too, and see where it takes me!

Have a great day, see you soon!


  1. Oooo I shall be excited to see your patterns developing.. as you say, you will certainly put your own lovely twist on things.. Happy New Year! :)

  2. happy new year!
    it's so nice to see greening plants. it's wintertime here and today it's rather nasty. i'm really looking forward to seeing your new projects!

    regards, carina

  3. I want to do lots this year - there's some new craft stuff, but really I just want to make sure I'm living life to the full and enjoying it. Hope you realise your gardening and crochet pattern plans!

    Happy New Year!

  4. Good Luck with everything even if it is just dreaming!

  5. Happy New Year to you and the family Julie, a year of wonderful possibilities...........

    I hope you manage to tick lots of things off your list.
    Your garden is looking a treat, love those sunflowers.

    Look forward to seeing your woolly makes and much more.

    Claire :}

  6. Wishing you and your family a blessed and happy new 2012. I have plans but need to write them down so I can check that some of them have happened! I have a thing with getting side tracked/ :O)

  7. Hi Jules, lovely post. Am really looking forward to seeing some of your patterns develop, any plans to do one for your gorgeous cushion covers? (pretty please!)


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