
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Crochet in 2011

How was your Christmas?
 Ours was great, lots of food, drink and good cheer. 
And now we can relax into the summer holidays! Yay!
The boys are taking full advantage of the holiday lack of routines,
 and are not getting up till 10.30 -11am,
 they do love their beds, especially the older two now they are teenagers. 
 Might have something to do with staying up all hours playing Xbox.

I do find it quite frustrating that they won't go to bed and then they don't get up, but I am trying to let it go and not be too much of a witch. I just start some loud music mid morning and get on with things around here.  They will be back at school in a few weeks and will have to get back to sensible hours then anyway.

Thought I'd make a couple of mosaics of my crochet makes in 2011, it is coming to that time of year, to look back and see what you have achieved over another 12 months, I am always surprised by what you can do in a year!
There were more bits and pieces I could have put in , but I haven't put photos of every project onto Flickr, so these are what I came up with.

I got a lovely book for Christmas with lots of things I want to make in it. I will do a post on it soon and show you, I am sure you will like it!

The new year is always so exciting, I always make heaps of plans and resolutions (that I rarely keep), I am making a list of crochet and knitting projects to try this coming year, and it is lots of fun!!

Anyhoo, must go and wake those boys of mine!! hehehe....
See you soon!


  1. Hi, I love your work, very nice colors you are using, so bright and beautiful.

  2. Your color choices are wonderful. Can't wait to see what the coming year brings. Happy Holidays.

  3. Hey Jules, great mosaics, you certainly have been busy throughout the year...........
    I have been working on my granny square blanket, slowly, slowly, can't rush these things!1

    It is hard to prise teenage boys out of their beds. Remember when I was young, you could never sleep in on a Saturday. Mum would be up and doing the housework, you could hear her footsteps up and down the hallway. No point fighting it, you just had to get up, hehe.......

    Sounds like you are enjoying the hols, the weather is perfect today, but it is going to warm up.........

    Have a great day,

    Claire :}

  4. I've loved seeing what your've achieved in 2011. I'm a beginner crocheter and am always looking for inspiration.
    I too have a teenage son that I try not to be too hard on, speaking of which, he's just got up and it's 11:30am, just in time for lunch LOL

  5. Your mosaics look fabulous! Always good to acknowledge what you've achieved in a year!! If you had a moment would you/could you pretty please let me know how you do those mosaics? I'm new to blogging and there is soooo much I don't know, but would love to do some photo mosaics. I'm guessing the mosaic is done and then uploaded as a whole to blogspot?!!

  6. Hi again Jules!! I think I've worked out the mosaic. Had a play with photos in Powerpoint, so will give that a bit of a go. Now ... let's see if I've finished enough projects this year to create a mosaic!!!!

  7. I love your mosaic as well. The owls are especially gorgeous. I hope I'll be able to crochet something like that one day. I still have my "L" plates at the moment :).

    I also really love the jar covers. What a clever idea. Do you mind if I borrow that one?


  8. My teenagers are the same. Oh well.

    I've been inspired to start a mixed stripey blanket - not my usual colours at all, but I'm giving it a go!

    Happy New Year.

  9. Glad you had a good sounds lovely...and I am very jealous of the summer holiday bit's a bit grey and dismal here. You have achieved so much this year... your blog has become one of the best :)x

  10. Hermoso trabajos¡¡, te deseo un feliz Año Nuevo 2012 y que sigas haciendo realidad esos preciosos proyectos que tienes en mente. Un beso¡¡

  11. Julie, thanks so much for becoming a follower of my blog!! You've just increased my followers by 100%!! Baby steps, I know. Very envious of your SIX HUNDRED AND NINETY-FOUR followers!!
    Cheers, Trudy

  12. I would really like to know where you got your patterns or the crocheted things on your site

  13. ¸☆´.•´
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    ╱◥◣ ◥████◣▓∩▓│∩
    │╱◥█◣║∩∩∩ ║◥█▓ ▓█
    ۩๑ Feliz Año Nuevo 2012!﹗๑۩

    Frohe Weihnachten und Happy New Year

    عيد ميلاد سعيد وسنة جديدة سعيدة

    Bon Natali je bon annu

    Veselé Vánoce a Šťastný Nový Rok


    Sretan Božić i Nova godina

    기쁜 성탄과 새해 복 많이 받으세요

    Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année

    Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo

    God Jul og Godt Nyttår

    Wesołych Świąt i Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku

    Feliz Natal e Feliz Ano Novo

    God Jul och Gott Nytt År

    میری کرسمس اور نیا سال مبارک ہو

    మెర్రి క్రిస్మస్ మరియు హ్యాపీ న్యూ ఇయర్


  14. just stumbled across your blog whilst wandering through blog land!! I have been reading al your posts for a couple of evenings now! What wonderful stuff you make!
    Happy new year

  15. Beautifuk work, beautiful colours xxBrenda

  16. very great protjects this year.

    greatings send you Conny

  17. What stunning pics! I feel so totally inspired now!! Have a fab week hon.


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