
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Yum Yum......

Hi there!
What have you been up to today?

It was my birthday today, although it feels like Saturday was my birthday with the party and all that.
I have had a lovely day with visits from my aunt and sister and nephew, and a great lunch with my mum and dad.  I haven't really seen my husband much yet as I have been doing the basketball run this evening and he and Jesse play tennis tonight, but I'm sure we will catch up later this evening and watch an episode of 'The Living Dead', this new series he's found that we are getting a bit hooked on. 

I have been very spoilt, and received lovely presents and cards from everyone, there was a bit of a build up to the big 40, and I feel very lucky in the life I lead.
Lucky with the people in it, lucky with the things I do, lucky in the place I live, lucky in the good health we have.  
I hope the next 40 years are just as good!

Oh and to top it off, I picked our first 110gr of raspberries today! Yay! Delicious! They didn't last long, but there are plenty more where these came from!  They looked so good I had to take a photo!  

......I am starting to freak out a little with the fast approaching end of year busy time....... 
I  committed to a few Christmassy swaps and need to make some things for them, and deadlines are coming up quick!
And the calendar is filling up with social events and parties from now to Christmas, and there are lots of things I want to make for presents, and I wanted to fit in a Christmas giveaway too!! Eek...
Taking a deep breath, writing a list and checking it twice.
Have to prioritise, and just start on something, or finish off something properly!

I'll try and show you the progress on some of these makes, the ones not for swaps anyway.

Well, better go and get cracking on that Christmas list, the hook and yarn are calling!


  1. Extended birthdays, they're the best! :)
    Those raspberries look wonderful. Do you have an early fruiting variety? Ours don't even have so much as a flower on them yet.
    Good luck with all those Christmas makes you've got planned, it sounds like you will be busy.
    Anne xx

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  3. Happy Birthday ~ I hope that you have a really special day :O)x

  4. Many happy returns, 40 of them in fact! It's my turn in a couple of weeks! :-)


  5. My those berries look absolutely yummy.
    Ours are still teeny, tiny but the chooks are eyeing them off, hehe......

    Hope you had a lovely day Jules and enjoy the evening with your hubby.

    Happy Birthday,

    Claire X

  6. Happy Birthday, you can never say that enough. I am jealous of the raspberries. Yummo. Can't wait to see whatever you are working on next.

  7. Happy, happy birthday. Extended birthdays are a must, who wants to celebrate for just a day when they can have a whole weekend or even a week?
    40 is a marvellous age to be, I read the other day that 70 is the new 50 so I reckon you have just left your teens!
    I've not done anything exciting today, just washing and shopping but the sun has come out to play so that makes it a very good day.
    Carol xx

  8. Enjoy your Birthday, let me tell you 40 IS the coolest age!

  9. Happy Birthday Jules! The party looks beautiful too... Hope you have a wonderful year :)x

  10. Happy Birthday, so glad you were properly loved and adored.

  11. Many happy returns Jules! The party must have been really great! And as for the spoiling...we're allowed to be spoiled at least one day per year, right!? :)

  12. The raspberries look scrummy!

    I reckon you're not the only one having a wobble after realising how much there is to do! I've had the same scare myself. Problem is that my list has been in my head........dangerous I know!

  13. Happy happy birthday to YOU! Hope you are equally blessed for the next 40!!!

  14. I hope you had lovely birthday! Wow those raspberries look divine, it's the one thing in our garden that will never fruit. I think our canes were duds xx Kylie


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