
Sunday, November 13, 2011

the one where we throw a party.....

Hello there!
 I have been absent from my blog and the computer in general this past week, and it feels like ages since I last posted, it has been a busy time at our place!

I am turning 40 this week, so we thought we would have a party (you know, any excuse... :) ). 
This did entail a major house clean/declutter/garden makeover, etc, which turned into a huge task!
(Our house is usually quite untidy and messy and I tend to only get it in tip top condition for special occasions) 
 Luckily my fab parents and husband gave me lots of help to get things looking celebratory, and my family and friends came over last night and we had a great night!
Lots of chatting and catching up, eating and drinking, playing pool and some good music, and general funtimes!

............We hung some of these paper ball thingys..... think they will be up till after Christmas and continue with the party atmosphere.....

.........I made some big paper flowers for a colourful party garland..........

........we cracked out the special cups........ and filled them with some yummy drinks.....

.......colourful bendy straws to suck up a margarita or two...........

......received some lovely flowers....

.....and picked these guys from the garden......
(David Austin rose 'Jude the Obscure' - divine!!)

As part of the 'make the house presentable' operation, my dad put my painted papered box on the wall for me and I got a few of my crochet jars into it......

.....and  found my ceramic bottles looked right at home on top.....

The garden is looking a treat too, but I don't have any pictures to show you, maybe a garden post coming soon.

I have a great family and lovely friends and they all made me feel very spoilt and lucky and loved, so it was an excellent way to say goodbye to my 30's and look forward to the next decade of living.
(Although not officially till this week)

Oh, and I got my hair cut again during the week and have gone shocking blonde, so much so that every time I catch my reflection, I get a little surprised shock, I look quite different! 

I haven't had much crafting time recently, and I've missed it!!  I have managed to start a little idea for something Christmassy.  Now that the big do is history, I can get back to other fun things and hopefully have a few finished things to share soon!

Anyway, hope you all have had a great week too, and I am going to try and catch up on the recent bloggy happenings over the next few days.... see you later!


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! When i turned 40 I cut 18 inches off my hair. I didn't recognize myself in the mirror either. I hope you had the best of birthday weekends. Can't wait to see what that new project is.

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! It sounds like you had a wonderful time and your decorations are gorgeous. Happy crafting this week oh and don't forget that garden post.
    Anne xx

  3. Happy birthday to you! I love the little decorations you have :D

    Your christmassy project looks lovely!!

  4. Oh Happy Birthday to you. Welcome to the fabulous forties! I did a vintage tea party with an Alice in Wonderland twist for my 40th birthday, it was great fun decorating but all the cleaning and sorting out before was hardly any fun, so I can well empathise with you. Love your David Austin roses, I bet they smell divine and your shelf is looking too beautiful with all your special crochet jars.
    Enjoy having some time to get hooky again xox

  5. Happy 40th birthday ! x Love your decorations

  6. HaPPy BIRtHdAy!!!! Looks like a fun time. I love all your decorations and by all means keep them up to 2012!!! Hope you have a fabulous year!

  7. Happy Birthday, so glad you had a special week.

  8. Happy Birthday, forties are better than thirties and I'm hoping that fifties are going to be even better than forties. I'm glad you're having a wonderful time.

  9. Happy Birthday to you, fabulous forties hey! Its been a while since I was in my forties....hey ho. Love your decorations and flowers etc.
    x Sandi

  10. HIppo, Birdy , Two Ewes, Hippo, Birdy, Two Ewes.............

    Have the best 40th Jules whichever day it falls on.
    Let there be cake and presents and fun.........I know you've done the party thing but on THE day celebrate. You only turn 40 once !

    Love the colourful garland and the paper ball thingys, very festive and cheery.

    Sounds like you celebrated in style and are set to enjoy your forties.

    Have a great week, year, decade,

    Claire X

  11. Happy Birthday!! I looks as if you've had a fabulous time. I adore your cabinet with all the lovely jars on it - what a brilliant idea! I'm still trying to tell myself that I'm 28 with 12 years experience!! Have a wonderful week.

  12. happy happy birthday!!! love all the celebratory decorations


  13. Happy birthday to you...I am in admiration of all your birthday trimmings and gorgeousness on this post!

  14. Happy Birthday!!!
    You certainly put together a fabulous atmosphere for everyone to celebrate with you. LOVE the paper balls and the garland. Did you make the paper balls? Or did you source them from somewhere? I've made tissue paper pompoms before - they got left up for almost a year I loved them so much!!! :)


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