
Thursday, October 27, 2011

My creative space...more pretty things...



..............oops, a whole week since my last post, and in Blogtober as well, shame on me!
I have to declare a fail in the 'blog every day of October ' department, humble apologies!!

This week has been a bit crazy for us, hence the lack of blogging.

It's 'my creative space time' again already!

Firstly I'd like to give you all a big thank you for the amazing comments you left on my last post, I loved getting your opinions, and all the thought you lovely ladies put into them, I really appreciate your views!  Thanks for your encouragement, excitement, and practical thoughts, it seems I am not the only one who has thought about opening a wool shop!

It gave me lots to think about, it seems some of the concerns I have about my wool shop, ie the location, would worry you too.

So, to cut a long story short, I have decided to knock back this particular shop, and look for one in a better location with more foot traffic and people around, and in the mean time I am going to start an online wool shop and sell some of the beautiful wool that I use here that may be hard to source overseas. My emphasis will be on gorgeous colour as that is a passion of mine.  Hopefully by the time I find a suitable place, the online bit will be doing well and will give me more money to put into an ace shop!  I should also have a good supply of wool ready to stock it straight away, as this was another concern I had, not having enough money to fully stock a great range of yarn at the start.  So by starting out smaller with less overheads, I should have more money for the good stuff, the yarn!
So stay tuned, I don't know how long these things take to set up, but some time soon there should be a 'Little Woollie Makes' wool shop, in one form or another!! 

Anyway, on to other things, I have spent 3 days this week away from home, sitting in a hospital ward with my middle son who had a bout of appendicitis, they ended up taking out his appendix, so now he has the rest of the week off school.  He has recovered very quickly, and only has a tiny scar to show for it!  
It is amazing how being in a hospital makes you feel cut off from the rest of the world, sort of in your own little time bubble, it is like a self contained little universe in there, you look out the window at the rest of the world going along normally, and you are just not part of it for a while.  I have never had to spend time in a hospital before ( other than having babies), and I have to say the nurses and doctors were so fantastic with their care and cheerful attitude.  Luckily our family is generally really healthy and we don't visit the doctor much, I really felt for families in there who obviously spend a lot of time in hospital and are very familiar with the system.

By the second day I was looking for something to pass the time ( we spent lots of time waiting for things), so got my crochet  out and hooked some more flowery bits for my 'summer tablecloth'.

There was an art therapist at the hospital who was interested in what I was making, and said she might just have to persevere with learning crochet to make beautiful things like this. I was chuffed. The universal language of craftiness!!  Good for the healing process I think.

I have 9 finished flowers now, I think I should weave in ends as I go so it won't be a huge task at the end. Must start doing that now!

Anyway, I wil try to be a good girl and finish Blogtober off proper like, with daily posts for the rest of the week. 

Joining in over here today with very creative people.
See ya !


  1. Glad that your son made a quick recovery! I'm sure that was nerve wracking for all of you.

  2. I am glad your son is ok. So scary when ourlittle ones are down. The table cloth is lovely. You have great taste in colors. Good luck with your shop endeavor. I will definitely shop you if on line. Have to support our creative friends.

  3. Hospitals are another world aren't they! I'm glad your son is on his way to full recovery. Gorgeous crochet as usual!

  4. Perfectly good excuse for your Blogtober fail! Love the colors you've chosen...hope your son is hale and hearty in no time flat.

  5. Hey Jules, good to hear middle son is recovering well. Nice to get in some hooky time, to help pass the time. Your flowers are looking beautiful, love all those colours.

    It sounds like you have put alot of thought into the decisions regarding your shop and no doubt when the time and location are right, you'll know it. An online shop is a great 'foot in the door' and I'm sure it will give you a firm base from which to grow your business.

    Claire :}

  6. My daughter also had her appendix out recently! I was so glad that I had remembered to take my hand-sewing bits with me when we went for an appointment, cos she was booked in for surgery 2 hours later! Sewing kept me busy with the waiting before and after and the long long hours in the hospital overnight while she slept.
    I do enjoy your blog very much - its the only 'wooly' one I read (not being a 'yarnie' type!)

  7. Dearest Jules
    Firstly I am pleased your son has made a speedy recovery and that he is home now to rest. I used to work in a hospital and you are right they are like a different planet all working without te outside world. I now work in the community and it's so much more real which I much prefer :0)

    Secondly, I'm so excited for you at the prospect of opening an on line shop, you certainly have an amazing eye for colour and I'm sure that it will be a very good platform to enter into the real world of an actual shop.

    Thirdly I wanted to say a HUGE thank you for my amazing cushion cover and pin cushion and very kind words in your card. Thank you so so so much I love them and will be "featuring" them on my blog today when I get round to doing a post xox

    Take care and I highly recommend sewing the ends in, it's such a hideous task at the end of completing such a gorgeous project xox It's my pet hate and what stops me from completing projects ;0)

  8. I think being creative is a healer in itself without sounding odd. But I also strongly believe that there is a place for beauty and colour in hospitals to help those that are ill. I remember doing a study when I was a school kid about artwork in hospitals and the recovery times.

    I feel sure that your approach to a shop is the right one. I think an online shop is often a good kick off, and this is definitely what I would do.

    Glad your son is already recovering so well, hope that this continues in top speed. Love your crochet, beautiful as ever.

  9. Good thing your son is okay. I feel the same way when I've been at the hospital with my kids .... yep like you are in another world and the world goes on around you. Oh I love the colours of your wool and the gorgeous shapes that you have done and the gorgeous colours that you use. I think online is the way to go with selling the wool .... I've often thought of starting some sort of business online. Fewer overheads and a great audience. Perhaps not the same face to face contact. Anyway good luck and I hope everything goes your way.

  10. Glad your son is ok. Love your crochet. I don't know about you, but i find crochet very theraputic it takes my mind off my problems while i am engaged in the task......xx

  11. Your summer table cloth looks fab, so so pretty! I'm making my first ever crochet project - a granny square blanket and think I may follow your tip on sewing in ends as I go along as I ain't looking forward to this bit at the end.

    Leah x

  12. Lovely flowers and so glad your son is doing well. Great news, even though I bet it was a bit scary.

  13. I'm glad your son is better and your flowers are really beautiful. :)


  15. Jules I just found your blog through "our creative spaces" and have just spent a lovely hour reading through your posts and looking at all your pretties . I am now following your blog and look forward to spending more time here , thanks so much !

  16. Hello there Jules!

    I've just found your blog after a visit to Attic 24, and oh my goodness I am really loving what you do! I have really enjoyed looking at some of your previous posts and discovering all your fabulous crochet work - I have added you to my blogroll so that I can come and see you again (and hopefully heaps of other people will discover you and your gorgeous work too).
    Good luck with your online shop by the way, have a good weekend,

    Love Julia x x x

  17. beautiful! the colours are perfect!


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