
Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday new things....

Hi there.
What's been happening today?
 Not much here.  Just a normal old Friday that seems to have come around extra quick this week.
I went down to my parents place today and had a nice lunch and pottered in the garden a bit, we visited a strawberry farm in Red Hill only to find it doesn't open for the season till next week. Doh.
Andre is still home recovering from his op, (think - lots of computer time) I think he is looking very well and is definitely ready for school next week.

We have a kind of long weekend here, with the Melbourne Cup running on Tuesday and a public holiday, so lots of people take Monday off as well. Technically the boys have school, but lots of kids are away so not much is done as far as school work goes.  I think my boys want to go to school, so it will just be a normal day for us.  Still feels like a holiday though.

I'm going to spend the weekend trying to restore some order in a few rooms here, cleaning and tidying a big mess.  And I should be able to fit in some crafting and cooking and gardening if I try hard!

Thought I would show you a couple of things I started yesterday (got a bit tired of the flower motif, so mixing it up a bit).  The little shape at the top is my first attempt at a heart, I think with a few modifications it will be right for some cute Chrissy decorations.

Also started another cushion in the Bendigo cottons, felt like doing some rows, and something small was just the thing.  Maybe another thing for Christmas?

Had a quick look in the Oppy on my way home and found these nice aqua, blue and lime check blankets. There were 2 single bed size, and a bit of a bargain, so I had to grab them. 

I did think of Claire over at Sweet Birdy Love and her lovely upcycled blanket toys when I saw them!  I have a few ideas for these, involving the sewing machine. 
Not sure if they are wool or acrylic, does anyone know how to tell the difference?
Anyway, I'm sure they can be used for something fun, such nice colours!

OK better go and do something! 
Have a great day!


  1. You are so creative. It says in your bio that you are relatively new to crochet, how long have you been crocheting? I have been only for 3 years and it has been just in the last year I have started making my own patterns. I don't know how to tell the dif between wool and acrylic, I am sure someone does. I know whatever you make will be lovely. Have a great weekend.

  2. Love your heart crochet, it has character and that's what I love best!! That aqua blanket plaid is so awesome, I would not have been able to pass it up either. Don't know about the wool vs. acrylic though, they are able to make such great blends now. But what a great color!
    Glad your son is better and I hope you have a nice long relaxing fun filled weekend. xoRobin❤

  3. Love the little heart - kind of 'folk-art' looking. Glad to hear your son is getting better. :)

  4. When I saw those blankets from the Oppy, I thought of Claire too. :)
    Hubby is taking Monday off work, so sort of a long weekend for us but with the weather being a bit uncertain in Melbourne, I'm not sure much will get done outside.
    My brother and sister-in-law are going to Derby Day (work related), I expect they'll get wet.
    Enjoy your weekend,
    Anne xx

  5. Love your little folky heart.

    Re telling if something is wool or acrylic, you have to set light to a small piece of it! No, seriously ... if it gives off a plastic smell it's acrylic, if it smells of burning hair then it is wool! Do be careful though! :-)

    Hope helps.

    Heather x

  6. Oh My God! You've got my blankets! Actually I think yours may be just a smidge different in colour, mine don't have the darker blue. I have had these blankets (single bed) since I was just a wee little girl. I can't remember never having them. I am forty so they would have to be about 35 years old themselves, assuming they came to me new. They are still going strong. The only thing starting to wear is the blanket stitching on the top edge of one and the tag saying what it is made from. I would think that they probably are wool judging from the itchy scratchy feeling I get if they touch my bare skin and the fact that they have lasted this long!
    xXx Helen

  7. Oooh, Jules, there's blanket envy going on big time I can tell you, hehe.......
    Those colours are sooo you, can't wait to see what you use them for.
    If there's no label on them and you can't tell by the feel whether they be wool or not, then I'm stumped. Was also going to suggest burning a small piece, but have just read the comments and see that Pink Milk has suggested it already..........

    ♥ the crocheted heart, very sweet.

    Sounds like you had a lovely day with your folks, shame the strawberry farm wasn't open, but shouldn't be long before it is.

    Glad to hear Andre is on the improve.

    Enjoy the weekend, it's ☁ and ☀ and no doubt I'll need to use this today ☂, but at least it's the weekend and the boys are home for a change, yippee.

    Claire :}

  8. Hi Jules. I love the aqua and red in your cushion cover, are they Bendigo cottons? I especially love the pinky red ball in the photo that has been started. Could you maybe write down the pattern for the cushion cover too to sell in your shop when it opens (yay, can't wait for that) I would love to make one like it and am not skilled enough to design my own!
    Shelley xx


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