
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Lacy Scarf in Skinny Wool

Hello!  This is a scarf I crocheted last year that I was pretty happy with, I'm thinking of making a few more in different colours.  I think they would make good presents, what do you think? 
The pattern is called Diamond Cluster Lace Plume Scarf, a bit of a mouthful, but pretty easy and doable, a 3 row pattern repeat that is very effective.  
It is by Bianca Boonstra and can be found on the Moya Yarn website in their free pattern section over here .    

The pattern is made for the Lace Plume 2ply cotton by Moya, (I have made one in this and it was lovely) but this time I have used the lace weight Skinny Wool  from Adele's Mohair.  
This is a lovely single spun lace weight merino that comes in so many gorgeous shades.  
It was great to crochet with too, and I love the lightness of it and how blocking the finished scarf really opened up the lacy pattern.

I am enjoying using the smaller hooks and fine wool at the moment, I'm also making a few other things in 4ply that are looking pretty cute, and more crochet beads for necklaces, but I'll show you those another time. :) 

Yes. I definitely think I need to get another one of these on my hook!  Maybe in that Poppy Red this time....  
Talk soon. xxxx


  1. Very pretty indeed and would make perfect gifts.

  2. I like it so much! And the colour is so lovely Thank you for the link to the pattern.

  3. How many balls of the Skinny Wool would you need? Two? It is so gorgeous and light...

  4. Lovely Julie & it was great meeting you today & finding your lovely shop. I've actually looked at your blog before, so will pop in now on a more regular basis. Take care.


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