
Monday, January 2, 2017

Hello 2017

Hello there! 
Happy New Year crafty peeps! :) 

I hope you have all had a great end of 2016, I seem to have fallen off the blogging wagon over the last few months, but you know what they say, new year, new you!  I am going to find my way back to a blogging rhythm because I have missed recording my crafty-yarny adventures over here.   

Anyway, I always like to set a few goals at this time of year, I very rarely seem to achieve them but I like to start the year with good intentions! 

*This year I'd like to grow more of our food, my vegie patch was sadly neglected in 2016, I'm starting to get it firing up again, but there are still a lot of areas out of control!

*I'd like to get fitter, and my perennial goal of losing some weight and getting healthier is still on the list!  ( I somehow managed to gain a heap of weight in 2016 rather than lose it! )

*I'd like to keep on top of my housework.  Since my wool shop is taking up more of my time,  I'm finding it harder to keep our house running smoothly, I'm going to try and be more organised with things.  Wish me luck, I'll be fighting my natural messy tendencies, so this might be a difficult one! 

*I have lots of ideas for my wool shop and new yarns I'd like to stock, I'm going to try and work consistently and not let time run away from me.  I am also going to try and budget better so I don't have cash flow issues that hold my plans up! 

* I'd like to learn the tunisian crochet technique and also do more knitting, in particular sock knitting.  I have so many gorgeous sock yarns in my stash and I want to start using them!

*I want to send out my Little Woollie Makes Yarn Store newsletter at least once a month, I didn't 
achieve this last year and need to get consistent! 

*I'm planning on blogging more consistently too, hopefully 5 times a week.  I had a lot of things to share during December, but time just ran out for blogging, so this year I'm going to be organised and not let things get on top of me.  

I think that will be plenty for me to focus on, I'm sensing a theme, organisation and consistency! 

Do you set goals in the new year too?  Or do you like to see how the year unfolds and go with the flow?
I am not great at keeping up the momentum of goal setting, so we will see how this year goes, if it's any different from other years.....

Ok that's about all I've got to chat about today, have a great 2nd day of the exciting new year everyone! 


  1. Dear Julie, I send greetings from Poland - city Kalisz (the oldest city in Poland).Have a very good year 2017.Maria

  2. That all sounds good Jules. I used to enjoy seeing your garden pics and was inspired by all your grew, so I'm really pleased you're planning to get back to it. Happy New Year!

  3. Dear Julie,
    Yours is one of the few blogs I follow. Your crochet output astounds me (along with the beauty) in the face of all your responsibilities. (See your list above. LOL!) Is there any way you could get a little house help? Anyway, I'm still working on my word for 2017 to kind of drape my resolutions on. And, I AM in the putting together stage of a new crochet blanket! Maybe getting THAT finished this year will be my one goal! HA! Anyway, happy, healthy 2017 to you and yours.

  4. Ah yes, organisation and consistency are themes for my year ahead too! Good luck with all your plans, I hope you achieve all that you set out to. I invariably tend to make less of what I would call goals and more themes for the year as well...

  5. happy new year to you and yours: I prefer a word to help me through the year instead of definite resolutions: my word for this year is 'renovate' ~ making better what I have already in all aspects of my life! and yes, you definitely should knit socks :-)
    I learned knitting 3 years ago so I could do just that and socks are the only thing I knit: they fit in nicely with my crochet and are portable ~ there's so many patterns out there but I prefer to knit in the round, top down: good luck! x

  6. What great goals you have for 2017. Kudos to you on fostering your wool shop while juggling home life. I do have a few goals but will am giving myself til Valentine's Day (after the Chinese New Year wait period) to have them full in effect.

  7. Wow! Your list is impressive! It looks more like the work of two people so don't be too hard on yourself if you can't get to everything. It's good to write it all down though - the first step to achieving anything. You are right about getting into a rhythm and routine. I love routines - energy saved on scheduling is energy available for doing the things on the list(s)! I hope 2017 is a kind year for all of us. All the best with your goals. :-)

  8. Hi Julie! I want to tell you that you have a fabulous eye for combining colors! I love your creations! I am not an avid crocheter but I am inspired by your Mixed Stitch Stripey Blanket! I may have to give it a try! Thanks for the inspiration! Jenny from Southern California


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