
Tuesday, January 10, 2017

crochet necklaces: more mini makings

Hope you've had a lovely day, it's been a nice slow holiday type of day here, a bit of crochet, a bit of work and a bit of chilling out.  :)  I thought about making a few more of these crochet necklaces, maybe in some slightly thicker yarns, maybe with some deeper colours for our Melbourne winters.

These ones are my Summery ones, light colours and fine cottons,  they are fun and fiddly to make, the colours all work so well together there is always another combination to try out!! :)  

I think these could also make a lovely floaty mobile, it would take a while to make but would be so worth the effort!

These are a few strings all layered up, I love this look, the more strings the more cascading the effect. :) 

So anyway, that's it for today, just a bit of pretty pastel inspiration for these floaty summer months. :) 

Have a great day! 



  1. An impressive make, love the stunning pastel shades.

  2. A beautiful necklace, the colours are gorgeous.

  3. Do you sell these as kits? I would love to get one to do the mixture of circles and flowers. Thank you.

  4. Love them all layered up! Happy new year!

  5. These are so gorgeous and look a lot of work.

  6. Would love to learn how to make one! Possible kit or workshop perhaps? 😉


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