
Monday, August 8, 2016

Little Woollie at Pomme

Hello! How has your day been? Good I hope! 
I have lots of things to share with you and have a backlog of posts in my head, so  I thought I would start working through them and  show you something exciting that happened a few weeks ago.  I was asked by the lovely Sue if I would like to do a window in her gorgeous shop Pomme in Mornington.  
I said yes please!! :) 

So I packed up some of my Little Woollie Makes and on a Friday morning a few weeks ago I went to Mornington and we installed a window of colourful woolly things to cheer up the chilly grey winter we are having.  The girls at Pomme know how to display things so well, they made all my things look so good! 
Its all coming down later this week, so if you're in the Mornington area, pop in and say hello to Sue and Lisa and check out all the gorgeous things they sell from other artists and designers, there are so many beautiful products in Pomme, I feel very honoured to have my woolly makes along side them for a while! 

For everyone who lives too far away to visit in person, here's a few pictures of the window looking quite bright and lovely! 

....and here how it looks from the cosy inside of Pomme. :) 

Anyway, it has been an interesting experience and I've enjoyed seeing how my work can look all together, I had thought there might be too much clashy colour, but they actually all work together quite nicely!  Who'd have thought! :) 

Have a great day people!  xxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. Beautiful window display! Looks so cheerful inside and out. Love it!

  2. I love your colourwork, and the window looks great!!! Love from Norway

  3. Great to see your handmade work in the window of this shop. They bring colours in the shop.

    Dear greetings, Margaret

  4. What a fun opportunity for you. Great job.

  5. Congratulations! That looks very nice indeed!
    Thank's for sharing pictures because I can't pop by ( I'm from Belgium) :-)
    Can't wait for your next posts either..
    Have a nice day,

  6. I know where I will be going when I next visit my sister in Mount Martha! The window looks amazing Julie!

  7. How fabulously beautiful! I'm sure it cheered those who passed by and increased shoppers to their shop. Congrats!

  8. What fun, a lovely colourful display and a great opportunity for you.

  9. Your work and happy colors always make me smile! Hello From Easton, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

  10. Congrats, what an exciting opportunity! The window looks amazing!

  11. Great looking window with your Amazing makes!! Congrats!

  12. I love window displays that can be appreciated from inside as well as outside. How lovely for you to have your work on show like that.


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