
Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The Australian Sheep and Wool Show 2016 - Part 2

Hello there!  
Well the Sheep Show has been over for a few weeks now, but I thought I'd still do a little post about how it went.  I went really well, I'd even say it went awesomely!  Mum and I had such a great weekend, there were heaps of people, all like minded in their love of fibre crafts, so it was easy to chat, and people were very friendly.  There were so many beautiful yarns available, and fabulous clothes and other craft supplies and tools, and sheep too! 
Thank you to so many lovely people for introducing yourselves and all your kind words about this blog or my Instagram account, there is a really great community of crafters out there all connecting through the wonders of social media and the internet.  It was fantastic to meet you all! 

I had less time than I imagined to take photos, but here are a few snaps from the weekend. 

.....this is the marquee we were in, lots of people managed to find us even though we were a bit tucked away......'s my mum looking fab in her red coat even though she was nursing a cold and felt fairly poorly!......

......super chunky wool and some amazing huge knitting, I bought a ball of this stuff to have a play with myself. :) 

......I was very tempted at the Ashford stand, those looms looked so inviting and I have weaving on my things to learn list!  Unfortunately, my car was so chockers there was no room for any major purchases.  Maybe next year! ...... one of the main sheds, the fashion parade was very popular. :) 

....So that was the sheep show for this year, lots of fun and an exciting, inspirational weekend! 
I am going to apply for next years show nice and early and try and get a stall in one the main sheds, so hopefully I'll see some of you there in 12 months time! 



  1. Sounds like a fabulous time of it! Would have loved to visit if not so very far

  2. What fun! Congrats on your success. And what an awesome mum you have.

  3. This show is known as "Spendigo" at my craft group. Show and tell in the week after is always full of "oohs", "aahs", " want that", "have to learn to do", "where did you find?" etc I got there last year and now I understand. Alas did not make it this year, but next year......

  4. Haha! I love kayzebo's "Spendigo" joke! That is certainly what it would be for me!
    Car too 'chocka' for new purchases - here's a suggestion that will probably get me into trouble: "Freight"! ;-)
    Nice to get a glimpse of the show for those of us outside Vic.


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