
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

A Very Cute Shop!

Hi there!  How has your day been?  Good I hope!  
It's been a nice day here too, a bit of crochet, a bit of shopkeeping, a bit of cooking, and a bit of housekeeping, fairly cruisey after a busy day of wool orders yesterday. 

Over the weekend we went on a little road trip to Ballarat and I had a look round some very cute shops.  I thought I'd show you some pictures of The Crafty Squirrel, a super cute shop filled with crafty bit and pieces and so many things to look at.  I had a nice crafty chat with the lovely owner Morgan, and really admired her patchwork curtain doors. I think I might have to make some patchwork curtains for my studio, something colourful and crafty, just what I've been looking for! 

Needless to say I found a few things (quite  a few!) that came home with me!  I always like to buy a few souvenirs to bring home and remind me of our road trips. :) 

We also visited Playing in The Attic, Trudy's lovely stationery shop that used to be in Meeniyan but is now in Ballarat. I bought a few things there too, but I forgot to take pictures of all the pretty things while I was there! :( 

So, what did you get up to on the weekend, or is it already too far away now that it is Tuesday night!

Have a great night/dayeveryone, I'm off to watch some mindless telly and do a bit of hooky! 
Talk soon! xxxxxxxxxxx


  1. Looks like a great shop, a feast for the eyes.

  2. What an adorable shop! I LOVE matryoshkas so that place would be heaven for me!

  3. So cute. It's really like a heaven on earth ^^

  4. Cute and colorful shop!! After reading Ballarat I tried to think where did I hear about it and I remembered that I saw it written somewhere on my recent trip to Melbourne. I was on a family vacation to Sydney and Melbourne and did some yarn shopping in Melbourne too. I did not know you were from Melbourne. I visited Lincraft and Wondoflex yarn store suggested by a Melbourne group on Ravelry.

  5. It looks like the sort of shop to sit down with a cuppa and just take it all in. Glad you had fun.

  6. Super cute shop! I'd dump a wad of moola there. I love those little cubbies, have always liked those kind of pieces.


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