
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Stills from my week....

1. Finished things that I made for the Emu Plains Market ( that seems like ages ago!).  Time to start making again for the next one. :) 

2.  It is rose season around here, and I cannot get enough of these showy girls.  The scent is just divine, and I love how full this variety is.  Happy days! 

3 +4 +5.  I have been very absent from these parts recently, (so much for my attempt to post every day of October, my poor neglected blog!) one of the reasons is all the new yarn that has been coming into the shop over the last few weeks, so many lovely distractions and lots of happy work packing it into shelves and sending out orders.  These are some of the new hand dyed organic cottons from Sourth Africa, so very lush.......but I will be giving them a post of their own shortly! :) 

6. I captured this beautiful sunrise on the weekend when we had a night away at Torquay staying at the RACV resort at the Golf Club.   The sky was very spectacular, it makes me wonder why I don't get up early every morning to see the sun rise. :) 

7 +8 +9 .  It is also poppy time in the garden at the moment, these beauties self seed all over the place and I always love to see the new combinations that appear each year.  Lats year there were lots of single flowered pink shades, this year there are lots more mauves and super frilly doubles.  So lovely! 
The bees adore them, the sound is amazing, all that humming and buzzing! 


Hopefully I'll be back tomorrow with something that might be interesting to you, I am working hard on so many different things at the moment, it feels like I have too many balls in the air at once, and I still have to show you all the new yarns that are in stock!!  

So what have you been up to recently? 



  1. Love seeing snippets of your month, and as long as those balls are yarn balls you go juggle and enjoy
    I'm currently making stock for a farmers Christmas market I've booked a stall and its my first time selling, but I was inspired by you so a big thanks

  2. Gorgeous pictures, that sunrise is so beautiful.

  3. It's all so lovely! What gorgeous roses! My garden is winding down for the year, I will miss the roses. Love all those self-sowers (less I have to do).lol Seems all I'm doing of late is gift making, things for a wedding (Niece) and bridal shower gifts then Halloween costumes for the girls, that is down to the wire I'm afraid (as usual). Enjoy the day! (While mine is lost staring at the sewing machine needle.) ;D

  4. I love following your blog to get an explosion of sunshine and flowers when we are watching the leaves fall off our trees. Happy crocheting. Jo x

  5. gorgeous photos!
    that new yarn looks very delicious too!
    thanx for sharing

  6. Beautiful photos! It's well into autumn here so it's lovely to see the roses. Having just started a small blog I really appreciate how difficult it can be to find the time to actually post. These photos are certainly worth the wait :)

  7. The sunrise picture is stunning - it really captures me!!

    We are lucky here in Germany as we have a golden autumn at the moment with lots of vibrant colors!

    Take care
    Crochet Between Worlds

  8. Wow, very beautiful pictures! The picture you made of the Golfresort looks like a fairytale!

    And i love your first picture.. You are a big inspiration for me! You're welcome to my blog:

    Have a nice day

    Miriam, 't Bezige Bijtje

  9. Your have captured the colours of the sunrise so beautifully - a lovely photo to inspire a colour palette. I am a bit behind in my blog reading - I can see you have been very very busy with little shoes, washcloths, bunting and lots more! All the best with the markets and whatever comes off your hooks next. :-)

  10. Totally drooling over that yarn. What beautiful surroundings you have. Tanya of Little Things Blogged posted her top 30 reading list of which you were on it and how I found you. Adding you to my Bloglovin' feed! Happy holidays to you.


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