
Friday, October 2, 2015

Hobart Botanical Gardens - Kitchen Garden

I hope you've had a lovely day, it's been beautiful here, I have been working in the garden trying to tidy things up and getting beds ready for summer veggies.  Very satisfying work, tomorrow I am going start the weeding, which is a massive job!   
When we were in Tasmania we visited the Hobart Botanical Gardens and I found their kitchen garden  very inspiring.   I am all enthused about growing food again.    These photos are from the Botanical gardens, as currently my own garden is a big old mess! 
I do have plans though! :) 

....I love these crimson flowering broadbeans ........

Do you grow your own food?  
Do you find it hard to be consistent in the garden, It is difficult to stay on top of the weeds in my garden, I always set up more than I can realistically manage, then have to work like crazy to try and maintain it.  
Especially now that my life is so full of yarny stuff!  

Speaking of which, I'm off to crochet a shoe. :) 
Have a great night, talk soon!



  1. I can see why you were so inspired to have a veg garden that was a beautiful garden. I have a small plot and pots that I grow food, I find it therapeutic when I need a break.

  2. Inspiration indeed! Those ARE beautiful broadbeans! I struggle every year with the weeds and always plant more than I can realistically take care If I can mulch as much as possible and early on it's a lot less work later. But it's hard to mulch many- many rows, of 100 feet in length. lol I try to grow and preserve most of the veggies my family consumes each year.( I still have three hundred feet of potatoes to dig, if it will stop raining long enough before cold weather.) Good luck with those weeds and plans! Happy gardening!

  3. Wow what an awesome garden you visited. Tasmania looks so similar to Nz. I try and grow as much food as I can in our wee Auckland backyard. I really enjoy spending time in my garden though I do find it a bit harder now I have a one year old. It always surprises how much a garden gives with only a few hours work a week though.


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