
Friday, August 7, 2015

Flowers abound and a giveaway!

Hello there!

It's been a busy week around my place, there's lots of interesting yarny things on the boil at the moment, I'm looking forward to sharing all my crafty news over the next few weeks.  There is nothing really massive, but lots of little things that all together are quite satisfying and make me feel very happy.  I hope you have good things going on in you lives too! 

Today I thought I'd show you something that is very exciting for a hooky friend of mine.  
Do you know the amazing Shelley Husband?  
She has a fabulous crochet blog called  Spincushion, a very active, fabulous Instagram profile, and she is also a very prolific and clever crochet designer!!  
She has just finished producing a new ebook of crochet patterns, called 'Flowers Abound', there are 20 beautiful granny square patterns all with a floral theme. I was lucky enough to get a preview copy of these patterns to have play with. Yay! :) 

The squares are all the same size so there is lots of scope for mixing and matching these patterns for blankets, cushions, bags, or a million other things. :) 
The patterns are very clearly explained, Shelley is an excellent pattern writer, and explains unusual stitches and techniques so I had no problem following this new to me pattern.  And the stitch dictionary and tips and tricks are very interesting, I am going use a few of Shelley's techniques from now on to give my work an extra professional finish, she is great at hiding joins! 

I did get a bit carried away; I was just going to make one square as a sample to show you this gorgeous pattern called 'Hana', but then I just got caught up in the colour play possibilities and ended up making nine squares! :)   

There are lots of great squares to choose from in Shelley ebook, it was hard to decide which one to try.  I think I will be making quite a few of these patterns when I have some more time.  I do love the puffiness of the flowery centre in the Hana pattern, and it is a lovely solid square; so much flowery goodness!! :) 

 .........I loved making these puffy flowery centres, so many colour combinations to try......

.....I love the flower centres just by themselves too, I think I might make some of these and sew them together for my Christmas tree :) ..............  or how about a garland :) .............

 So anyway, as you can tell I had fun making these squares and then I had more fun photographing them (sorry for the picture overload, could't help myself!).  I am planning to make a few more of the Hana flowers and turn them into a pillow case for our bed, I think it will look awesome!

The best bit is that you can have fun with these patterns too!  

Shelley has generously offered a copy to my readers as a giveaway, so if you'd like the chance to win a copy of  the ebook 'Flowers Abound'  just leave me a comment on this post and I'll choose a winner next Friday.  It will be available for all the normal ebook readers, and will be available from Smashwords as a pdf if you don't have an e-reader/kindle thingy.  
Have a look over here at Shelley's blog if you'd like to pre order your own copy, it will be released on August 29th! 

Good luck you guys! :) 

Have a great weekend! 


  1. Awesome! The book looks like such an enjoyable read. I can tell you enjoyed it very much as well. Love the flowers and the squares.
    xx Beca

  2. Oh, lovely! I have been given a pile of tapestry yarns that I want to make into a granny square blanket, but I can't decide what granny square pattern to use. I would love to win this ebook and be inspired for my blanket! Thanks for the giveaway.

  3. Lovely book! Granny squares are my favourite. Thank you for the chance to win this generous giveaway.

  4. wow gorgeous flowers! & yes! love granny squares, granny anything really but not much of a crocheter, my girls are though & they would love it
    what a wonderful give away
    thanx for sharing

  5. How wonderful! I love flowers and granny squares. I'd love to win a copy! Thanks for the chance.

  6. A fabulous book to look out for .... unless I am the lucky winner of course!! I love making flowers xP

  7. How wonderful! It does sound and look like a fabulous book! Your squares are beautiful, such an eye for color. My fingers are crossed that it'll be me you Enjoy the weekend! : ))

  8. I love these flower squares and would love this book. Thanks for the chance.

  9. Love it,always making flowers.Lovely giveaway,thank you for the chanced to win it.

  10. Flowers and granny squares? Win win! As always you've used such beautiful colour combinations. x

  11. Gorgeous flower squares. The book looks good. Will check it out.

  12. Amazing!! Love grannies and flowers. Thank you and Shelly for this opportunity. Love peace and crochet Gabriela

  13. Would love the chance to own a copy of the ebook. Love the colour combinations of your squares. Cheers André

  14. I'd love to own a copy of this book! I know Shelley - not in person, of course, but am so familiar with her blog! she has generously shared a few of these beautiful flower motifs in a CAL - and makes her patterns easily downloadable - in both US and UK terms! Awesome! She is certainly clever in her designs - and her choices of colors are fabulous!

    Yes! Please! I'd love to have a copy! your site, too, by the way, has been very inspirational! Thank YOU for sharing all you do with us. Your crochet work shown in your top banner is just so yummy! it looks beautiful - and makes me want to work harder and do MORE!

  15. I totally LOVE flower granny squares!!! I'm looking forward to read the book. Great giveaway, thanks!

  16. Beautiful granny squares, pattern and book look awesome

  17. Wonderful, those granny squares look amazing and I am betting they are totally addictive.

  18. Love these flowers and they look fab in your colours too, thanks for a lovely giveaway

  19. Looks like a great book to help me get inspired to use up some of the dozens of balls of yarn I have stored away! ;)

  20. I would love to be entered in your giveaway - thanks so much! I love your blog!!!

  21. I really enjoy your blog!! Thanks for the giveaway!

  22. This book looks great. I think your idea of a flowery garland would be beautiful.

  23. These look like alot of fun to crochet. Your blog is always inspiring.

  24. These look like alot of fun to crochet. Your blog is always inspiring.

  25. I love flowers in the garden and in design. cant wait to see this book. will visit shelley's blog as well.

  26. Lovely book would love to win a copy

  27. Pick me, pick me!! I have tried a few times to make flowers without luck. Would love the book. ☺

  28. Oh my, such gorgeous flowers. I popped over to her blog and will most definitely be following now! Would love to win a copy :)

  29. Wonderful! I love so much these granny squares :-)

  30. Love the flowers...thanks for the chance to win :0)

  31. Such pretty, happy flowers! A sure sign of a much anticipated Spring, after the cold winter we have had! Thanks for the chance to win a copy of this lovely book!

  32. BEAUTIFUL! love your colors. thanks for a great blog

  33. I would love to win a copy, those flowers look so colourful and happy! Xx

  34. Those fliwers look awesome. I need to show these patterns to my mum I think she'd like them.

  35. Those fliwers look awesome. I need to show these patterns to my mum I think she'd like them.

  36. Looks like a goodie indeed. Some people are just so clever...

  37. Would love to win this book. Gorgeous flowers in fab colours!

  38. Me me me me me pleeeease! ��������❤️

  39. Would love to win, me please please :-)

  40. Would love to win, me please please :-)

  41. Would love to win, me please please :-)

  42. The are so pretty! I would love to win this book!

  43. I love your blog and I love the wonderful crochet flowers.
    And I would love to win this wonderful ebook.
    Best wishes,

  44. The flowers are beautiful. I can see why they are addictive. The colour combinations that could be used have my taste buds tinkling.

  45. Those fliwers look awesome. I need to show these patterns to my mum I think she'd like them.

  46. I would love to make up a scarf using the patterns in the book. Thanks for the inspiration and the post!

  47. Love these little squares and so much potential in different color ways

  48. Your squares are great, such fun colours. I like the idea of making a blanket of all the different flowers; it's handy that the squares are all the same size.

  49. What gorgeous patterns. Thanks for the chance to win, otherwise might have to treat myself!

  50. Looks like some fun new ideas.

  51. I keep queuing granny square projects, so it might just be time to learn how to make them! I love these colors!

  52. How wonderful! The color schemes and designs with these flower squares are endless. Both you and Shelley are creative and inspirational. Thanks for always sharing!

  53. Looks like a super book, I'll cross my fingers and live in hope. Thanks for the opportunity. :0)

  54. Merci du giveaway c'est un livre magnifique à gagner les carrée aux crochet sont supeeeeeeeeeeeer beau bonne nuit Marie-Claire

  55. What really exciting patterns and a great giveaway. Thank you for the chance to enter.

  56. What a lovely giveaway. It's great to see your samples too so we can get a flavour of the ebook and see your beautiful work again.

  57. Thanks so much for the giveaway. Your squares are happy and colorful.

  58. Thanks for organising the giveaway. Such lovely flower granny squares. Love the colour combo. Also you can never take too many photos of yarny flowery goodness x

  59. Love the looks of this ebook. Your colour combo is gorgeous as well!

  60. Love Love Love flowers and I love love love crochet. Perfect combo for Spring. I can't wait to chase the winters away and do lovely spring-coloured flower projects!!

  61. Wonderful flower squares!! and all the yummi colors! Just make you happy :)

  62. love your blog you really inspire

  63. Gorgeous! Great colors! Would love to win this ebook. ;)


  64. Awesome! I would love to win this book.

  65. Love the crochet flowers. I just found crochet hook while we were unpacking. I have also found all my wool. Time to get back to craft time.

  66. always good to find a new challenge and project, count me in thanks very much! Might have to add to my colour range to hook up something different not that I need an excuse to spend money on wool/yarny things

  67. This looks a wonderful book. Thank you so much for the information, and for your lovely samples.

  68. That looks fab, always looking for new ways of using up the stash!

  69. Wowza! I am blown away by these great designs as i sit here all the way on the other side of the world (New England/U.S.). Isn't the blogosphere amazing that way?! Love your inspiring blog. It turned me onto tapestry crochet and lots of color fun. And the Hanna pattern here is full of bobbly goodness!
    Thank you to you and to Shelley for the info and possible opportunity!

  70. How beautiful are they? I adore your colour combinations and your mixed stitch stripey cal blanket inspired the border around my first ever granny square afghan blanket. You've got me hooked on hooking! Thanks, Val x

  71. You've done a smashing job with Hana! I love Shelley's blog and agree her patterns are great. I would love to win the ebook :)

  72. The puffy flowers are gorgeous and you have used such gorgeous colours. I would love to be entered in the competition xx Joy xx

  73. Yes, I've been following Shelley's blog for a while and oohing and ahhing at her gorgeous work. I would really love to win her book.

  74. I love the puffy flowers and I would love a chance to win the e book . xx

  75. That book would be a real treat!

  76. Beautiful crochet work! I love the chance to win the e-book :)

  77. Love the book and the lovely colours you used on the puffy flowers.

  78. What gorgeous designs - I would love to make some myself!


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