
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Wool Show 2015


On the weekend we had a great day out at the Australian Sheep and Wool Show in Bendigo, it was a bit like yarny heaven, so many gorgeous yarns and fibres on display and for sale, and lots of fabulous sheep too! 
The boys dropped me off for a couple of hours of wool immersion, while they had a wander around Bendigo, everyone was happy! 
I bought some lovely wool, a couple of skeins of Madeleine Tosh Vintage in the best colour called 'Molly Ringwood', some hand dyed skeins by Little Plum Yarn (the candy pink and the purple/pink speckled skeins in the photo above), and some of the last remaining wool from Pear Tree Yarns.
I have a few plans for some of this, and am open to ideas for the rest! 

.....So. Much. Wool! .........

.....lots of lovely things for spinners too, don't these plaits of dyed fleece ready for spinning look so inviting, almost enough for me to try a new craft! I really don't need anymore hobbies though! 

.....isn't that super chunky, bobbly, pile of hand spun wool in the middle of this photo awesome! 

....this is a beautiful stall of natural indigo dyed yarns, very nice indeed! .....

 It was very busy when I was there on Saturday, I think the yarny crafts are definitely having a bit of a revival.  I felt there was a better, bigger and more varied selection of stall this year compared to last year.  People seemed very enthusiastic and were enjoying all the wooly sights. 

I had a very nice chat to the machine knitters too, and finally got the time on Sunday to sit down with my knitting machine and learn to use it!  I learnt how to thread the machine, cast on, and do basic stocking stitch.  So pleased to get this going, and to see that my machine works fine, I am going have another go soon and see if I can make a piece from the punchcard patterns.  The ladies of the Machine Knitters Club made it look easy, so we will see! 

Have a great day! 



  1. I love yarns and this seems like a yarn heaven. All those wonderful colors.

    Have a great day with your new yarns, Margaret

  2. Ohh I wish I was there, so much yarn!x

  3. So much eye candy! I never know which way to look or go at one of these, I think my mind gets over stimulated and malfunctions! ;D I look forward to seeing your knitting machine adventures. Enjoy!

  4. oooh, so much yarny goodness! you made great choices, can't wait to see what you knit up!

  5. I bet your were just so thrilled to see all that fiber yumminess. Well done on your purchases.

  6. Oh wow, what a way to spend the day, I would have bought some of the indigo dyed yarn, do you remember the name of the makers please?
    Hope you have a great time using your new colours for inspiration.

  7. Ciao ti scrivo dall'Italia e adesso sono tua follower, ricambi?
    ciao ciao

  8. Looks great! I'd love to go. I was given a spinning wheel but I've yet to learn how to use it properly. I can't tear myself away from my crochet!

  9. OOhh, so much lovely yarniness!! We don't have anything like that near us, it must be a fantastic day out. I love theseckled yarn you bought. x

  10. That a pink Yarn is named Molly Ringwald could not have made me smile wider :) Gorgeous goodies.

  11. Oh my! Yarn heaven indeed! So colourfully stimulating and tactile. Yarncrafts are experiencing a resurgence and I am sure it is helped by the proliferation of crafty blogs like yours :-)
    I would love to go to Bendigo one day. Such an interesting city. Are you planning to go to the Sheepvention in Hamilton (Victoria) later this year too?
    Thank you for giving those of us who couldn't make it, a lovely snippet of the sights and treats to be found at the Bendigo Wool Show.

  12. Holy jumping Jumbucks! I'm bummed I didn't know this was on or I would have popped over and filled the Xtrail with yarny goodness!


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