
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Crochet Christmas Baubles. Love.

Hello!  How is you week going?  
Are you getting super busy yet?
The silly season has definitely arrived at our house, I seem to have lost a few days last week!
I have been so busy getting orders completed and trying to have enough stock for the Emu Plains Market on Saturday, my house looks like a dump, there are bits of yarn all per the place, it has certainly been a bit cray-cray round here! 
We also had our big extended family Christmas party on Sunday for my side of our family,  it was great to catch up with all my cousins and aunts and uncles, I love being part of a big family, it is always a really good day, and is fascinating to see the next generation coming along and getting so big!!  

So Sunday was great day, then Monday was a shocking day for the country.
 What an unsettling week so far, with the terrible siege in Sydney leaving the whole country feeling stunned and so sad, it's hard to believe something like the has happened in Australia, but I have just been watching the news and it is heartening to see how everybody is coming together to support one and other, the aftermath seems to be bringing out the best in people, that is something to hold onto I think.  Love to all of Sydney. xxx

Anyway, this is not supposed to be a sad space, so  back to the hooky stuff.  
Here's something to cheer you up, in a very colourful, fluffy, frivolous way!

I have been crocheting like a mad woman, currently I am making some crochet baubles.  I have seen some lovely looking baubles around the internet recently, so decided to have a go at my own version, and this is what I have come up with.  
I have to say I am rather pleased with how they are turning out.  They are so fun to make! 
As usual, I have gone over the top with colour, the colours of the Cascade Ultra Pima cotton really look fantastic together, and I have got a few favourite colour combos going that are working well I think.

I am also pretty happy with my little pattern, a bit of trial and error, but they are fitting nicely and I love all the colour changes.  Might try and write it down as some stage.  I am hoping to have about 20 of these ready to sell at the market, but I really won't mind if I bring them home again, they can certainly brighten up my pompom tree!

So here are a few extra photos, just because I thought they looked cheerful! :)

So, I am right in the middle of decoration making and have found some lovely tutorials and patterns around the traps at this time of year.
Here are a few links for other decorations to hook up if you have a few spare moments.

* more Christmas Trees from The Royal Sisters (great for buntings or garlands)

Are you making any decorations for your tree?
Have you had a go at crochet baubles yet?

Have a great day! 

(Edited 10/11/16  it has taken a couple of years,but I have finally written up my pattern for these Christmas Baubles,  Yay!  It is in my Ravelry shop over here if you'd like to take a look! :) )


  1. Your crocheted baubles are so beautiful! It is indeed a sad day....

  2. Sad news indeed about the siege in Sydney. The baubles are a real delight, love the colour combinations, definitely on my list for next year.

  3. Oh dear, I feel more last minute craftiness coming on. Those baubles are gorgeous! x

  4. They look lovely! I really hope you do come up with that pattern. For next year! ;)
    Greetings from Austria!
    Emm.A :)

  5. These are just GORGEOUS !!! How clever are you ??? !!!!! ???? Me, wantie. Truly.

  6. Thanks for linking up Julie! Yours looks amazing, I adore the colours you've used :-)

  7. Les boules de Noel sont très beau bonne soiree Marie-Claire

  8. I'm so sorry about what happened in Sydney. Your Christmas decorations are beautiful. It has been crazy here since Thanksgiving in November, but in a good way.

  9. My heart goes out to the people of Sydney. Your Christmas baubles are so beautiful. Love them!

  10. Yes I've made all the decorations for our tree this year including some baubles. I'll be blogging about them soon.

  11. Your baubles are absolutely lovely! Thank you for sharing them with us!

  12. Love your baubles and yes I will be making decorations if I have the time. :)

  13. These are beautiful, Julie. Love the colours!

  14. These baubles are completely stunning ! Am saving this page and your links for some inspiration for my learning to crochet goal for 2015 !

    1. Hi Ing. I am a 64 yr old man and I taught myself to crochet by watching video tutorials on YouTube.
      You may have already taught yourself (going by the date of your post), but if you haven't I would say the most important thing is to NEVER give up. It took me over a week before I could make a neat chain at the beginning, and it was almost 3 months before I got the hang of the magic circle, but if you stick with it, you'll get there.
      I started off because I wanted to make a nice bay blanket for my - soon to be born, granddaughter. She is almost 2 now and I've progressed on to making a lot of stuffed toys for her. Good luck.

  15. Truly beautiful Jules. Have a really really lovely Christmas, see you next year, Kate xx

  16. I LOVE your baubles! I've seen those around but never gave them a go but, after seeing yours I will definitely give them a go now!(After I finish up Christmas gift making.) So far this year I've made for the tree; crochet stars (in blue sparkle yarn) with added beads, snowflakes and Christmas decorations by Lucy (attic24) in crochet thread, all in blues and white for our themed tree of silver blue and white (another multi colored tree upstairs.).My heart goes out to all those affected in Sydney.x Best wishes with the market!

  17. Stunning! I would love to find a pattern to make some of those next year.

  18. They look fabulous Jules! Have a wonderful Christmas, Jane x

  19. They are amazing. Do you use a standing treble or dc to change colours on each round. I have discovered this this week at moogly and it is brilliant. Check it out. Jo x

  20. Surely this is a site well worth seeing.

  21. Hi Julie, How did the E.P. Market go on Saturday? I am sure your pretty baubles would have been a hit! I have nominated you for a "Harmony & Peace" award for bringing "harmony & peace, love & beauty & positivity to the world", and that was before I got to see this post in which you continue to display those attributes through your blog. More information about the award is posted on my blog:
    In my nomination, I made special mention of your post "The Kindness of Community" because it highlights the achievements that come from people working together for a good cause.
    Wishing you a very merry and colourful Christmas! :- )

  22. Yours are the prettiest crochet baubles I have ever seen. So, so pretty! And I would appreciate directions immensely. Wish you a lovely Christmas time!

  23. Did you ever put up instructions? I think I have all of the rounds down just from looking at them except for the 4th round which looks to link back to the 2nd and is a little different than I have seen before - would love even just a quick note on that round : )

  24. Hi!
    I know I'm kinda late to the party, but I fell in love with your crochet baubles, and went looking on the web for a pattern (I'm not good enough yet to make something from scratch!)
    I have to say, yours are definitely the prettiest!
    Do you think you could post some sort of guideline to making these, pretty pleaaaaase?
    Have a great day!


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