
Friday, June 27, 2014

5 Friday Finds #5

Hello! Wow, thanks for all the lovely comments and support regarding the tapestry washcloth pattern, I so appreciate it, I have been so happy and surprised by the great reaction, it has spurred me onto thinking about writing up some other patterns I have floating around in my head.  
Thank you so much, you are all so kind!

Okay, onto today's business, it is Friday again and that means 5 finds on Etsy.
I have to say I am rather enjoying the structure of a regular post each week, it seems to have motivated me to get my blogging act together and I have a lot more post ideas in general too!

So today's finds in no particular order:   

1.  storiebrooke  make these lovely twig pencils and colour dipped utensils.  I love these colours in particular, but there are lots of other great combinations in Jessica's shop too.


2. Intres makes these beautiful miniature felt houses and trees and other fibre art.  So cute!  I can see a little village of these in my future somewhere, I would have loved playing with these when I was little, I loved setting up tiny worlds, maybe I'm still not too old!   (The baobab tree is beautiful too.)


3. DanitaArt is the shop of a gorgeous mixed media artist who has beautiful prints jewellery and other lovely things for sale. I love this fairy bunting!( there is a gorgeous mermaid one too!)

4. saracarr makes very cute and cuddly knitted soft toys, isn't this wolf lovely! I really like Sara's quirky style and the fact they are made from soft lambswool with there own interesting personalities.


5.skinnylaminx is a lovely shop from South Africa that designs and makes gorgeous homewares and fabrics. I really like Heather Moore's bold style, this teacup tea towel is for all you tea lovers out there, I know there are a lot of you!!


So that is my 5 for today, there is so much to choose from, I have a backlog of shops I want to share with you all!  They will just have to wait their turn patiently!

What have you got planned for the weekend?  Doing any thing fun?
We are going to the football tomorrow and probably going to freeze!  It is certainly chilly round these parts at the moment! 

Have a great weekend whatever you get up to!



  1. "Local is lekker!" Love skinnylaminx :-)

  2. Love the wee tiny houses, they're adorable!

  3. You all are freezing and we're melting! lol Lovely Friday finds, I've seen those pencils, love them. Super cute mini houses, I just recently made a fairy house for the garden, so of course I love the fairy bunting. Thinking about a picnic on the mountain, where it'll be cooler for the weekend plans, maybe a dip in the lake(if the waters not too cold) and of course taking some crochet (harlequin table runner) to work on. Happy weekend! :)

  4. I love your Friday Finds as I don't go out to Etsy looking around's always from recommendations. Lovely items and talented people!

  5. love the twig pencils and the fabric. both are super cute!

  6. The little wolf is so cute! I daren't start looking at Etsy - I would be stuck on there for ages! There are some very clever people around aren't there?

  7. What terrific finds! I especially love that final textile.

  8. Great selections. It's quite warm here. We have to work on the veggie gardens and then likely start planning for our July 4th celebration.

  9. So many lovely things. The wolf and the felt houses are gorgeous, thanks for sharing. T x

  10. Another selection of fabulous finds Julie, thank you for sharing them with us. I just realised that I am calling my findings Friday Finds and want to make sure you don't mind me using the same header/title? Please say if you do, as I do not want to upset you and will change mine. It's just such a nice roll of the tongue subject and finding and sharing has always been one of my favourites in the blogging world.
    Just about to prep my blog hop post for tomorrow...have a great week, Heike x

  11. Thank you very much, Julie, for considering my work for your selection!


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