
Saturday, January 5, 2013

Crochet Along Update #6

Well I have been busy crocheting away on my big blanket recently, so I thought it was time for a new bit of the crochet along, in case anyone is still persevering with this on going project!

I have put the next 2 photos close together so you can see what I have done in a bit more detail, there is a bit of overlap, but I hope you can see what I mean.

Ok, here's what I have added :

After the lime and pale blue Catherine Wheel section comes
2 rows of sc in light aqua, (up and back),
Catherine Wheel section in salmon and mid blue,
2 rows of sc in mid green, (up and back),
4 single rows of sc alternating dark blue and mid green,
3 rows of tr clusters granny stripes in red, lime, and red again,
2 rows of sc (up and back) in each of the following colours, mid green, pale blue, spearmint, watermelon, and dark blue,
a section of outline cluster pattern in pink and light aqua, (see earlier update for this pattern)

....and that's where I'm up to at the moment!

I measured my progress so far and it is around 75 cm long so far, so I'm about a third of the way through.

How is your blanket growing?
Would you like me to organise a little linky thing so we can all share our blanket progress?

I will add this post to the bottom of the Crochet along Page so it is easier to find all these updates.

Talk soon!


  1. Hi thanks for sharing looks warm,
    interesting read by the way
    Do you happen to know what The Ith-khir is? Come see..

    Take Care

  2. beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful. I want to make this now but i have a big problem that i loose interest halfway through a project :( . The yarn is so expensive in Pakistan but it is not of the same quality as available in your place .

  3. I am working away on mine - I just found your blankie a month or so ago and have been "head over hook" in LOVE with it. I have had such fun playing and gathering my yarns together. It's been ages since I've crocheted 'seriously' - gave away most of my yarns sometime back...but what fun to start collecting again. So yes, someone here is still following along...hand having a wonderful time! I am still in the 'early' stages...just getting ready to tonight to complete the blue and pink hdc rows on the way to the Catherine Wheel for the first time - thank you too for putting all your posts to this blankie on one page!
    Enjoy Your Day!

  4. Yes! Im still in! I just reached the second Catherina wheel. So Thank You for adding new rows.
    A linky thingie would be great. I would love to see the different colors others are using and the progresses.
    Have a great day!

  5. Thank you so much!!!. I wish you a happy New Year 2013. This blanket it's lovely , i enjoy very much crocheting every chapter you explain's like a surprise, what and how will it be....?. But I have got a problem...I do not know why suddenly i have more chains in my blanket, ,,,I am already in the sixth crochet along update...
    Could you please tell me what can it be???.
    Thank you in advanced for your answer-

  6. I love those different patterns along the rows, beautiful! x

  7. Hi Julie, thanks for updating! Love the idea of the link to others who are making this blanket : -)

  8. Hello all
    I am just joining in. I started yesterday and did my foundation chain too tight, so while trying to keep cool on the lovely 43 degrees today, I started again, used a bigger hook for my foundation chain and it is looking much better. Thank you! Am having so much fun!

  9. I am still in, do not make a blanket but a pillow cover . I cast on 100 , so a big pillow. I love to work on it and would love to see others, so yes a link would great.!!!!
    Are there coming more new patterns???

  10. Don't you worry- I know for one that I'm still addicted to working on this blanket. I started this over Christmas, and am having a blast- a link page would be so fun! I'm with Georgina- I made my foundation chain too tight, but was too far along to pull out and start over...any suggestions on fixing? Thanks so much for your generosity and sharing this project with us! :) Adrienne


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