
Friday, December 21, 2012

Crochet 2012 in pictures..(and a few words)

How are you all going?   

My boys are all officially on holidays this afternoon with the school year ending today.  It feels good.  
It was our last year at the primary school, Max starts high school in 2013 so I will have all 3 boys at one school again.  It is making me feel a bit old with my baby going to high school, but I guess that is just time marching on. I want to try and get my time back in control, instead of feeling like it is whizzing by and I am wasting so much of it!
I have changed a few commitments  for next year so hopefully I will have a bit more time to be creative and get a bit more stuff actually finished!

In the meantime, Christmas is looming and it is getting exciting and festive!  I think I am organised, but there is usually something that I have forgotten.  Oh well, we will still have a good day!

 That's probably enough waffle from me.
Do you like my collages? I had a bit of a play on picmonkey and made a bit of a 2012 review of my crochet exploits. Nice and cheery, right?  Not that many totally finished projects, but that's what 2013 will be about!
Mixed stripey blanket crochet along 2012 progress

Oh, and one other thing - I have a Facebook page for Little Woollie! Yay!
Andre helped me make one a couple of weeks ago, and I meant to mention it in the last few posts, but kept forgetting.  I have no idea what I will put on it or use it for, I am not on Facebook personally so it is a bit of uncharted territory........
Any ideas what to use it for, what should I put on it?  Maybe notification when I post on here? 
I'll have to see how it goes....

Have a lovely pre-Christmas weekend, I hope it's a fun one!


  1. Beautiful colourful happy collages!!!
    Buon Natale,
    xxxx Alessandra

  2. Merry Christmas Jules! You've made a rainbow collection this year and my absolute favourite is the cushion at the're a talent with the hook, that's for sure!

  3. Wow Julie, your collages look brilliant and happy and bright!! Yeah for the summer hols!!! My eldest is off to secondary in 2013 so it's all new for us : -) Enjoy the last few pre-Christmas days!!

  4. I love your collage its beautiful.

  5. Hello Julie, you are a great inspiration to me, I really love the colors you use, they make me always happy! Wishing you a Merry Christmas and an inspirational new year, bye bye

  6. Thanks Julie. Your page inspires me soooo much. Merry Christmas! xxxx

  7. You are surely the crochet queen! It's so nice to see all your projects in the collage, being a latecomer to your blog. I love your use of colour in projects. I am hoping next year I may just attempt to learn crochet.

  8. What lovely colours! I hope you all have a lovely Christmas. Just one last minute fresh veggie shop for us and then I am not doing anything I don't want for a week!! xxx

  9. Great!
    Greetings from Poland :)

  10. Great looking photo collages, so colourful and inspiring.

  11. Merry Christmas Little Woollie :) Thank for sharing those collages, not only are they beautiful but there is yet another blanket I want to make!! Oooh and thanks for sharing PicMonkey, I'd never heard of it before but this will save me hours in photoshop :D

    Merry Christmas xx

  12. Hey Julie, fab collages, you certainly were busy with hook and yarn in 2012....finished or not.....
    All the best with time management for 2013, any tips let me know please.....
    FB seems to be the way to go for people promoting their art/craft. Good for posting new shop updates and
    getting your work out to a wider audience alot quicker I think. Also nice to just post a pic and a sentence rather
    than a whole blog post.
    I ove the feeling of the school year being over and the freedom of school hols and no set routines.....enjoy it.
    All the best for Christmas and to No. 3 at secondary school. Have a wonderful 2013.....

    Claire x

  13. Your page is so colourful and bright. Love the way the photos are set out. Interested to see your facebook page, as one of my resolutions for next year is to make a Ginx Craft facebook page. I have a personal one, but have realized that very few of my personal friends are into craft, and perhaps it would be best to keep the two things separate.

  14. I love all of these bright, happy colours! We've had a stressful morning and I needed something to cheer me up.

  15. Good luck with your baby starting high school! My baby starts primary next year and I reckon I'm probably older than you so I'm not sure if that should make me feel younger or even older still! Have a great holiday with your kids.

  16. Love the collages, interested in how your bright tablecloth is coming along? (the one from the Japanese crochet book)

  17. Wow what wonderful colours. They are scrumtious. You sure did get a lot done. Makes me feel bad!
    Hope you have a great Christmas.
    Rosie xx

  18. Wow! It's so satisfying when you look back over the year isn't it. The colours are amazing. Well done!

  19. I love the idea of doing a recap of the past year. It really does give one a satisfying feeling to see it all laid out in front of you with a beautiful array of photos. I love your colors, they make me think of candyland or what I think candyland would look like LOL.

    I a going to have to try making the pillow that looks like the blanket you just finished. I love the look of a mixed crochet look. I just hope I will be able to pull it off the way you did :)

    Happy New year and may it bring you and yours the best it has to offer.

    Best regards,
    Your new follower
    Birgitta, Iceland

  20. I just love the cushion in the top left corner of your collage - really beautiful!


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