
Friday, June 1, 2012

You've got mail!

Hello !
Been a bit absent from this here blog recently, I think I have run out of stuff to say!  Haha....
I'm hoping the new month will inspire me to get back on the blogging wagon in a more regular way.
I do have a couple of crochet makes that are nearly finished, so that will give me something to write about soon.  And the garden is going great guns, so maybe a few gardeny posts too. 

Anyway, look what came in the mail for me this week!  Lots of lovely crafty bits, gorgeous red buttons, sock wool and a pattern (love these colours!) , little patchwork sticker labels, postcards, and a very cute owl emery board. 
 It was an authentic 'brown paper package' ( one of my favourite things too!) 
(I am a Sound of Music tragic), tied up with a gorgeous crochet flower . 

 Lucky, lucky me, it was a give away prize from the 
lovely Trudy of Playing in the Attic.  
Do you know Trudy?  She has a lovely blog, and is almost a neighbour to me!
( Well not really, but she comes from the same state as me anyway!)

So thank you so much Trudy, it made my day getting an exciting parcel in the mail,  I have a fairly sedate life usually!
Can't wait to get out my sock needles and have a go at a nice autumnal pair of socks!

Have a great day!


  1. I also love things wrapped up in brown paper. Sound of Music is so 'wholesome'! Mary Poppins too (just a spoon full of sugar.....) Your giveaway prizes are reallu pretty - well done. Lily. xxx

  2. Hello Hello Hello
    Lucky you!!! Lovely giveaway bits!! Gorgeous red tones matching flower and buttons. I've just popped over to Trudy's blog to say hello too.

    Amanda :-)

  3. Cool! Lucky you. Happy knitting your socks - I've never tried, but I find DPN's a wee bit tricky (I've used them for beanies).

  4. Great Giveaway - and great autumn colours too!

    Hope you have a lovely weekend, here in the UK we are having a long weekend, two bank holidays on Mon & Tues to celebrate the Queens Diamond Jubilee - so fingers crossed for a lovely sunny weekend.

    Have a good weekend too.
    Fleur xx

  5. Love the sock yarn, Regia is my favourite brand for sock yarn! The colour is pretty nice too.
    Winning a give-away is great, lucky you!

  6. what a lovely give away gift!

    Im very tempted to organise a giveaway - just need a reason too!!!!

  7. OOOO, enjoy the lovely gift, it will get those creative juices flowing!!!!

  8. What an amazing prize!!!
    I love getting presents in the mail (which doesn't actually happen that much, sadly, but makes it all the more special when it does) its always such an exciting treat!!!

  9. How lovely to get an exciting parcel!

  10. Hi Julie, happy your parcel arrived at your house and that it may inspire you to play!!

    Mentioning "The Sound of Music" reminded me of when my eldest daughter was 5, she was watching the movie with my brother. In the opening scene he said "here comes Maria" and my daughter said "She may be Maria in this movie, but her real name is Mary Poppins"!!!!

    Have a happy weekend, and thank you for your lovely comments : -)


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