Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Star Stich Blanket No.2

Hi there!
Over the weekend we had some pretty ordinary weather. It was cool and wet and dreary, perfect for guilt free daytime crafty action.  I  had so much time I actually got my second star stitch blanket finished!  
So here are some pictures!  

....all folded up nice and neat........

....and all spread out flopped over my very old sleepy hollow chair....

 .......I do love these colours (if you haven't noticed before!!)

I have had a few comments regarding the star stitch and the formation of the little defining 'line' in between each row of stars, apparently it is a bit different to the tutorial I linked to in the Star Stitch post.
I will try and take a couple of photos to show how this line forms in my blanket.
It is actually the back loop of the hdcs that makes this line, it just appears as you crochet into each hdc.
Anyway, I will show you in a photo when I make another one soon.

Thanks for dropping by, hope you all have a great day!


  1. This stitch makes your blanket very special! Beautiful!

  2. Your blanket looks lovely. Such pretty colours.

  3. ...another lovely blanket : good!!!
    xxx Alessandra

  4. Oh that is beautiful! I always love your colour combinations x Kylie

  5. Another blanket so soon!! Very nice! Congrats!

  6. Great blanket and you seem to have completed it so fast too! You definitely have signature colours and I've only followed for a shortish while. :-)

  7. I love your blanket; the pattern and the colours. What type of yarn did you use? xxx

  8. Your blanket turned out beautiful! The colors are so lovely and the wide stripes. I love the star stitch. Thanks for sharing! :)

  9. It is just beautiful.

  10. Such a beautiful blanket and just what I need with all this cold, grey, wet weather we are experiencing. It looks awfully warm and snuggly. Dev x

  11. Hi Jules! I like your colourful blanket!!:-)

  12. Wundervoll!
    Liebe Grüße,*Manja*

  13. A beautiful blanket, I love this stitch I will have to give it a try :)

  14. Lovely blanket, lovely colours! Xx

  15. Wow Jules ... beautiful and you got so much done over the weekend. I really love the texture of this blanket bet it makes it really cosy. x Maggie

  16. This looks so nice and cozy! Definitely one to add to the queue.

  17. Oh my goodness. I'm in love! These are my favorite colors!

  18. Thank goodness for those rainy guilt-free craft days!! Your blanket is gorgeous ... once again!!!

  19. Gorgeous!! The colors are so pretty and that stitch is amazing!! Love it!!

  20. Love the blanket is just lovely . How do you do that stitch as i would like to have ago......xx

  21. I just found your blog via pinterest and I absolutely LOVE this quilt! I have a few questions if you don't mind :D What type of yarn did you use? (I LOVE this color scheme!!) How many did you chain to achieve this length (or in general how many inches is it?) How many skeens of yarn did this take? Sorry full of questions but I love this!!! First time visitor here, will certainly be back!

  22. Hi, Would you please show the making of this blanket? Thanks nur_10100@hotmail.com

  23. Hi there, I just love your blanket, the colours are gorgeous and love the stitch. This is on my to do list, could you tell me roughly how many balls of wool you used, thank you. Deb xxxx

  24. Oooo...love it! This star stitch is so pretty. Love your colors too.

  25. Aww yea the colours are beautiful!

  26. Maravillosa!! los colores y el punto son preciosos

  27. Love this blanket, and your star stitch is so neat! I have just done a test swatch and it is nowhere near as neat, I do get the line between rows though, on the wrong side the two colours overlap, does that seem right? Can I ask what size hook you are using as I think that's key?

  28. Olá!! Parabéns... é lindo o seu trabalho, adorei... Visite meu blog; veralarts.blogspot.com ,será muito bem vinda. Um grande abraço

  29. What brand/type of yarn and colors did you use?

  30. Just found you on pinterest and I love this blanket! The colours are fabulous! How long did it take you?
    New follower by the way :)

  31. Could you please tell me if you have a video on how to make this star stich blanket, i love it

  32. I was so in love with this blanket I decided to make one of my own. I am trying to pick a border for it and was wondering what you had used?


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