
Monday, April 16, 2012

Autumn sun......

Hello there! 
How's life in your part of the world going?

We are having some gorgeous summery weather here, well into Autumn, so it is just lovely to get stuck into the garden and Do Stuff. 
I am doing a lot better this year with my annual resolution to grow as many of our vegies as possible, and this great weather is coinciding with a bit of a rekindling of my gardening bug. 
 Usually I start the year well and we have lots of summer veg, and then I slowly fall off the wagon as other things take my interest, and only remember to plant things in fits and starts.  
Not this year! 
 I am Mrs Consistent this year!! 
Planting something new at least twice a week.

Yesterday I finished clearing a derelict part of our front garden, weeded and smashed up the 
concrete-like soil, and added a mountain of stable manure to improve the soil structure.
Then I had some fun making teepees for my climbing things, I am planning a sweetpea teepee, a snowpea teepee, and a sugar pea teepee, so lots of peas!  I also want to put in a lot more flowers for cutting this year.  It makes me feel good to be able to pick posies from our own garden.

It really felt good to knock a few things off my list of Autumn things to do. Usually I write them all down and that's about as far as it goes. Not this year! 

I am planning another day in the garden tomorrow, before this Indian Summer leaves us for good.
It is just great to be outside, my crochet has to take a back seat at the moment, I feel a bit guilty sitting inside when there is so much life flourishing just out the door!

Do you love the 'change' seasons ?  
I do!  
Hope you are making the most of the lovely days we are having if you are in Melbourne, otherwise, I hope you are having a sunny day wherever you are!


  1. Hey Jules well done on the consistent planting, I think I am a bit the same as you.
    Good intentions 'n all.....

    Love your twiggy, pea wig wams.....I must put up one for my Sweet Peas.
    I love to see Pyramids of colour come Spring...

    The weather has been stunning here, but rain is forecast later in the week.
    The garden is rather dry so I am sure all the plants will enjoy a watering from above.

    Claire :}

  2. I love your tipi's they will look really lovely with things growing up them :-) It reminds me I need to sew some sweet peas. Ahh to get out in the garden :-)

  3. Go for it!!! You must feel a huge sense of achievement with all your consistent planting. I'd love to get back to digging in the garden - but my belly is too big to bend much right now... maybe after the baby comes. It's more than I can do to keep up to the weeds in the flowers and shrubs right now! lol Can't wait to see your sweetpeas - I love sweetpeas. I have some that need planting. Hmmm. Perhaps I can enlist the Mr's help. :)

  4. Well done .... this looks amazing. Can't wait to see what comes up. I'm thinking of doing some vege gardening in old car tyres. I'm looking into it at the moment. I don't actually have any ground to grow things in because the landlord has made it all tan bark and plastic in the gardens. There is however some space around the back that isn't garden where I might be able to do it.

  5. You put me to shame! I've done NOTHING on my allotment yet this year and we're getting towards it being too late! Your wigwams are fab perfect for all those peas.

  6. Hi, I just nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award! See the nomination here:
    Thanks for sharing all your lovely ideas with us :)

  7. Oh I just love your teepees and all the pea planting to come. You are inspiring me to get at it and keep at it this spring in my garden! You've done so well! Like the idea of planting something twice a week too. Xo


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