
Monday, April 23, 2012

Around here....

Today I have been trying to give our place a bit of a cleanup. It's well over due.
We are having a BBQ here on Wednesday for Max's birthday, it is Anzac Day, so a public holiday, and we have about 25 people coming.  The plan was to clean up today and cook tomorrow.  
Only thing is I didn't get too far with my cleaning.  I guess our friends and family know me well enough to not expect too much.  I got the lounge room looking good and decobwebbed and vacced and spruced up, and the floors washed, but that was about it.

My crafty space was on the to-do list, it's in need of a big Reorganisation, and you look right in on all my stuff from the lounge room. 
 I just had to take some pretty pictures of all my (half done) makes sitting on the shelf looking so productive, really must try and Finish Off some of these!  Side tracked much, yes that's me.

Ok here it is in need of much love and time.  My problem is that when I start to tidy up I find cool things that I just have to have a go at.
 Right. Now.  Or pretty things that need admiring and dreaming about. this ball of sock wool (love the colours) that I want to find a nice hat pattern for, must have a bit of a forage around Ravelry and see what I can find..........

Anyhoo, that's my day today, what have you been up to?

Bye for now!


  1. Ui, sehr viel Häkelarbeit! ;D
    Liebe Grüße,*Manja*

  2. I've got very similar sock yarn, but in different colors, is this Opal? ... The color way you have is looking fab!!

  3. Oh my, i love all your colourfull makes they are adorable and a complete feast of colours,what a lovely photo they make xxxx

  4. Ha ha ha! What a fabulous creative mess you have there! I love it! :D Why not try the granny beanie pattern over att Fox Lane with that yarn?

  5. I am so with you on the tidying thing...I always start a job and get distracted at finding things I'd 'lost'.....I have to say your WIPs look so colourful and lovely, it's not too different from a canvas on the wall.

  6. Love all your crocheted projects. I stop and start too, so many things I want to make and then I find something else to start and then I get distracted and find something else. Then I get bored and start another and then the cycle goes on and on. So I guess we are all alike, for better or worse!!!!
    AnyWay I love all your colors, yarns and half done projects. Looks creative to me!!!
    Have a great party, xoRobin❤

  7. I think being messy while being crafty is amazing, as that is how I am. Though I am normally a messy person and have too much stuff for my own good!

  8. Oh my goodness what a lot of hooky loveliness!! I love all the colours in your photos and no wonder you get distracted from tidying up.

  9. I have also been sorting but it's my sewing stuff. I have several lifetimes supply of hand sewing needles. I'm working on a pair of socks, too.

  10. Your wips look so colourful and it's fantastic to see someone who is as bad as I am. I have trails of wool all over the floors and up the stairs and into the bedrooms lol I do give it a good going over once in a while but it's just as bad in a few days, I love the look of that sock yarn lovely colours :)

  11. Your craft corner looks interesting makes me want to have a rummage through all that hooky colour with you ;-)
    Georgie x

  12. Wow, look at all that colourful crochet yummy goodness! I could eat it all up.
    Hope you have a great BBQ!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. How beautiful! Love Love Love al the colours!
      Love your crochet patterns you use! May i ask for the pattern of the flower in the centre of the third photo? It has a greenish and red centre (worked open).

      Greetings Marlies
      (from the rainy Holland)

  13. I would get totally distracted too if I was surrounded by such crochet deliciousness!!!

    Have a lovely ANZAC day. We'll be baking ANZAC bikkies and wearing our poppies.


  14. Oh what wonderful colours, and a pretty room. I wish i had a room like this and i could search for some ideasto crochet.

  15. I am so glad that I am not the only one whose crafty space (and maybe some other spaces in the house) is a bit, uhm, untidy. Except yours looks nicer than mine! There is plenty of time in the future to tidy, but crafting needs to be done NOW!

  16. Wow i could just stare at that first photo of your work and projects all day what a gorgeous load of colour and shapes you are very clever with a knitting needle and crochet hook. dee x

  17. Oh what an amazing rainbow of yarn - I could live in your craft space and never ever get bored x

  18. Haha, I'm the same when cleaning. That's why I keep my home very uninteresting. ;-) Wow look at those projects though! You certainly have a knack for choosing bright cheery colours. I often tend to veer towards the darks, neutrals or pastels for some reason! My projects aren't nearly as colourful!

  19. I love your colourful creative mess.

  20. Ha ha that's just like me, I get sidetracked so easily, who needs to tidy up anyway! Enjoy your party!

  21. What a banquet of woollie goodness!!

  22. Oh soooo glad I'm not the only one who starts off with good intentions and gets sidetracked.......

    I create amongst chaos and no matter how much I try to be orderly, neat and tidy I always end up with mountains of 'stuff' surrounding me.
    Your craft space reminds me of a lolly shop many yummy things to look at and all those gorgeous colours too...

    I finally bit the bullet and turned my spare bedroom into my sewing room this year. So glad I can close the door on all the mess and pretend it doesn't exist, hehe!!

    Hope Max had a great birthday and the BBQ was alot of fun.
    Pretty cool and windy up this way today, but the sun's out and it's just gorgeous.

    Claire :}

  23. Oh such lovely crochet! Don't you just love a beautiful pile of gorgeously coloured and very beautifully made items? I love your working space, I would love to be a tidy person but I just am not! Don't get me wrong, I love it when my yarn and things are beautifully tidy but it just doesn't happen very often! Living in my tiny flat the yarn is EVERYWHERE! :) I love all your makes - well done and good luck with the shop! :)

  24. I am so glad that I am not the only one who has a craft room like that! Thanks for posting those pics! LOL And, I also get distracted easily. I think it's the creative brain....or maybe just ADD LOL

  25. Your crafting space looks like heaven to me!! After seeing all of the gorgeous crochet projects you've completed, NOW I want to learn to crochet. So between wanting to learn to crochet and lusting over your mitered square blanket that you posted in October I am in quite the crafting tizzy - THANK YOU for being an inspiration to a new knitter!!! I hope your BBQ was fun for everyone!!!

  26. I have that same ball of sock yarn!! I just made the CUTEST baby/toddler legwarmers with it and the striping turned out really cute. :) Love your crafting room... mine is similarly a mess. :)

  27. Oh! What is that sweet, more delicate, flowery round piece in the middle of the third picture? Gorgeous! And the fourth picture just looks so inviting and fun!


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