
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sunday crochet colour...

It's a very hot Sunday morning here. Windy and very hot.  We are all having a slow start after a pretty sleepless night.  This weekend has been our local Westernport Festival, a highlight on the calendar of all the kids and teenagers around here.  There is a carnival with rides and lots of stalls and activities down at the foreshore and a parade down the main street.  It is usually a great community event, but it has been such a hot weekend (over 40 degrees yesterday), I don't think as many people have gone to it.
The evening and night seemed to be the time to go and have a look, the fireworks last night was full of people.  I love a fireworks display, and these were really beautiful, pretty impressive for a little community!  
After the fireworks, a lot of the families take their young children home to bed and the teenagers take over the place, nothing too extreme, just having a bit of fun and pretty well behaved. I hope they were well behaved anyway, as my eldest was one of these kids this year, hanging out with his mates.  They are all nice kids, so I am sure there were no problems. I will hear all about it later when he comes home from his mates place.

Anyway......... I have been trying to distract myself from worrying about teenage antics with a bit of crochet love.
This granny squares pattern is from the wonderful Royal Sisters blog.  I am having fun with some tiny hooks (1.5mm) and embroidery thread.  I had a little revelation the other day. I was looking for some more interesting colours in cotton thread, and realised I could use embroidery thread for crochet as well as needlework.  So many colours!!  Yay! The sky's the limit now!

Look at these lovely colourful cottons!

And here is the actual size of my squares all sewn together, quite small isn't it!

This is just the start of this little idea, I will show you what I am going to do with these when I see if it is going to work how I imagine.

So, have a good weekend, and stay cool if you are in Melbourne, we are in for a scorcher!


  1. I totally understand crocheting to relieve a little teenager worry. Even the best kids can make some silly mistakes, Crochet or knitting helps keep me awake until my son is home safe and sound, love the little squares, so colorful

  2. I've been crocheting to try to keep the worrying at bay with my daughter and she's 24! Love your little squares! I have tons of embroidery floss I don't use much any more. I should give it a try!

  3. Yes, crochet is a great distraction from worry. I started up last year avidly after my dad was diagnosed with dimentia. Kind of the opposite worry, for a parent. I started a blog on this calling it Crochetapy.

  4. Gorgeous colours, so bright ..... Crochet is good therapy .... relaxing.

  5. Loving what I see! Inspired to use up my scraps in this way. Perfect!

  6. I too have crocheted with embroidery thread this week I made mini 'baby' bunting to cheer up my pot of daffodils. It does seem strange reading about your hot temperatures yesterday we went to the English seaside town of Scarborough complete with thermal vest, lots of layers, scarf, hat, gloves etc - we still had a fab time though.

  7. Wow until you put them in your hand they looked so much bigger. They are lovely love the colours can't wait to see what you make with them. dee x

  8. Hope all went well with your boy and his friends.....! Your little crochet squares are gorgeous! Can't wait to see the end result.... lol x

  9. Beautiful! I wonder what will result?

  10. Cute square in happy colours! I want to thank you for the pattern for your "polka dot square". I´ve waited for it ever since you wrote about it before christmas and now I´ve been doing squares every day after you published the pattern! Thanks a lot!!!
    I linked to the pattern on my blog, visit and see the things I´ve made so far!!!!
    Have a nice sunday!
    Ann-Charlotte in Sweden

  11. SO beautiful! Your squares looks so cheering and colorful! Can't wait to see your finished project!
    Hope everything is well, and you have been enjoying your weekend!
    Best wishes,

  12. I love this little square pattern! I started some too, but don't quite know what to do with them yet. Good idea using the embroidery thread, so many great colors!

  13. I love those teeny tiny squares! In fact I love a lot of your stuff! I followed a link from Bunny Mummy and I will be back for more hooky admiration
    Jo :)

  14. Ah teenagers, wonderful creatures aren't they! Mine staggered home very late on Saturday/Sunday morning with a friend in tow, my how they cackled at 5am!!!!! It wasn't so much crochet to relieve stress but poke them with the sharp end of the hook LOL!
    Anyway loving your tiny squares, guess what I'm making some too have been for about a month, mine are destined to be a bag and I'm using double knitting yarn, but do want to try some teeny tiny ones. ♥

  15. I have fallen for your granny mandalas and would love to make something like this (though I am just a beginner) I was wondering if you could tell me what yarn you use ( I love your vibrant colours) and / or where I could source some wool as there is a serious lack of yarn stores where I am. Many thanks for inspiring me to new a new craft.


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