
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Booky Inspiration -The Gentle Art of Knitting


This is something I got for Christmas from my mum, 'The Gentle Art of Knitting' by Jane Brocket, I was very happy!  
I know I'm a bit late to the party, and many of you knitters would have this fabulous book already, but I thought I would share some of the ace things that caught my eye, and are on my to-do list for this year.

Have a peep at all this knitty, yarny eye candy......

...........cute little wash clothes........... these blue and red gloves for winter........... favourite things, these cushions are a definite make this year, I think  they are gorgeous!

...........a bit of a closer look, yep they are fab!!!

..........bunting love continues........

.........and I am going to have a go at stripey socks this year too......this pattern looks quite doable.......

 ......there's even a bit of crochet granny goodness in there too!  A gorgeous flowery square, I think it would look great on our bed....... would this beautiful blanket that is made in long stripes then sewn together, very clever.....

.......LOVE this stitch.......

 .....doesn't it look great in these cushions!.........

.........and some cute little purses that would make lovely presents.  In fact all these projects would make great presents!

I had seen this book on a few other blogs and thought it had some lovely patterns in it (especially the round carnival cushions), but I was even happier when I got my own copy and saw all the other great things to make.  I am very inspired to get out the needles and get clickety clacking! 
It is going to be a very creative year round here.  

Have you got this book?  What other books get your creative streak fired up?  Do you get inspired by things you see on the internet and books? (of course you do!!)

Have a great day!


  1. I don't have this book...but I love the little purses!
    I'm crocheting a jacket from Stitch and Bitch. I love this book in both crochet and knit versions. I've made several items from both.
    I've also just ordered Debbie Bliss "Home"
    I've never knitted her patterns, or with her yarn, but I've heard such good things!
    Happy knitting :-)

  2. I love this book! The red and white cushion covers are my favourite...what a lovely Mum to find you this :)x

  3. Your mum knows you so well Julie, I've never seen that book before but some great projects in it.

    Love the gorgeous stripey socks and the carnival cushions look great all lined upI can see alot more knitting taking place at Little Woollie this year.........

    The internet can be an overwhelming source of inspiration, at times. But I must say it is nice to hold a book in your hands, flick between projects, turn the pages. I hope books always have a place in the crafting world........

    It's delightfully cool here this evening, might even have a sheet on the bed tonight....

    Claire :}

  4. That's my sort of book! I was given a knitting book this Christmas that was lovely but a little bit intimidating ...yours looks more my style! I love the cushions - both the pinwheel and the red / white one. Looking forward to seeing what you make from it.

  5. Ooh, that's going straight on my wishlist! I finally got to grips with knitting over Christmas, and it looks like a great book for taking 'next steps' and making lovely things.

    I love the Stitch'n Bitch books, but I think Doris Chan's pip them to the post for sheer inspiration. Although having said that, I picked up a book of Erika Knight's patterns for an Amy Butler yarn and immediately had to buy it along with 8 skeins of yarn!! I love it when things just jump out at you like that :)

  6. This is a lovely book of projects. I would love to get clickety-clacking too. Such inspiration. Need to go find this myself. Thanks for sharing!

  7. I love books especially when they deliver more than you were expecting. I love trawling through websites looking at books and when I finally order one I'm like a child at Christmas waiting for it to come.
    Looks like lots of clickety-clacking ahead for you.

  8. I have this book, in fact it was my very first knitting book and I LOVE all of it. Jane Brocket writes in such a way that makes you feel so comfortable and at home. I've made the crochet chevron blanket and am now attempting socks xox

  9. I have a few books which I use but by far and away the best inspiration is found on the internet. All the wonderful blogs and places like Flickr and Pinterest have such wonderful goodies to inspire. How did we live without it!

  10. I got this book last month, too, and it is just gorge, isn't it? Going to attempt that lovely starburst crochet blanket, then the little ribbed hats- I'm still a novice knitter! Like some of your other readers say, it's lovely to have a colourful BOOK full of inspiration...I take it to bed with me!

  11. Lovely book, I got 5 new craft books for Christmas! Haven't had time to study them yet but I know I am going to get such pleasure from them when I do.
    I find lots of inspiration on line, especially in blogland.
    Carol xx

  12. what a really lovely book. I love the round cushions they are beautiful and just totally stand out. You should have fun making some projects from that book.

  13. Love a good book. I have The Gentle Art of Demesticity and The Gentle Art of Quilt Making by Jane Brocket ... beautiful photography, and yes, inspiring.

  14. I want that book to!

  15. What a lovely book so many pretty things to make ,ihavnt got the book but im definately going to invest ,ive seen many things ide love to have a go at ,thanks for sharing xx

  16. borrowed the book from the library yesterday and started on a little purse last night ...
    i'd like to try the crochet rug but not very confident of crochet skills. is there anywhere to look to work out the wool ply? i'm not familiar with the term double knitting wool ...


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