
Monday, January 9, 2012

Back on the wagon....

How are you going today?
I hava started some crochet for 2012! Yay! 
This is a little cushion cover I started ages ago, and now I am trying to finish it, and write down the pattern to share with you guys.

Should have it finished soon.

  ..... I have been  making little circles too, I was very enthusiastic about these for a few days, but now I can't really recapture the feeling and they are sitting unloved and I am not sure what I am going to make them into. 

Oh well, I am sure I'll think of something eventually.

Have a good day!


  1. Hi love the colour. Looking forward to the pattern, one for latter. I am going to try a ripple blanket next.

  2. Could you make the circles bigger and male more pincushions?

    A pattern for your cushion cover would be amazing, as they are so pretty. I tried to do one similar but it just didn't have the same prettiness

  3. Just found your blog - whilst i'm supposed to be working!!- and have to say WOW!! i love your crochet and have to ask do you work the bobbles to the bobble row as you go or add them at the end?? cant wait for a cushion pattern. inspirational!!
    thank you

  4. Beautiful, bright colours Jules, love them so much.

    Your circles remind me of the blanket Kate (Foxs Lane) crocheted on her trip away. You could enlarge them and then 'square' them off, very effective.

    Picked 3 nice zucchini thinking vegie lasagne later in the week.

    Nice cool day here, hope your week got off to a good start,

    Claire :}

  5. Love the bobbles on that cushion cover!

  6. I am so happy you are going to give us the pattern for the cushion. That blanket you made was so beautiful, can't wait to see the cushion. I think the circles would make a nice cushion. Then maybe if you found the love again, you may be inspired to do a polka dot blanket. I want to make one for my daughter but have to finish the things I am currently working on. Lol.

  7. Hi Jules, Thanks HEAPS for writing this pattern out!! Your blanket was stunning and I was kinda hoping that one day you'd do the pattern and now you are!!! I too am making small circles at the moment (as I'm doing the Bullseye Afghan, and was slightly side-tracked with the big circles!!) I was thinking of making mine into a string of circles to drape somewhere - artistically of course!! Will be blogging about mine soon, I'm probably half way!! Cheers, Trudy

  8. Everything looks so colourful, very cheerful for a dull January day! Hope you find inspiration for you circles!

  9. Beautiful colours! It encourages me to now get on and learn how to crochet properly!

  10. Oh, I can hardly wait for your pattern for the pillow. I love all your stitches in that and the blanket you made too!

  11. I am so excited about the pattern for the cushion! Have admired your blanket often! Your little circles are adorable, and I cant wait to see what you do with them--I have wanted to do something with circles but have other projects in the works right now, so will anxiously await your circle ta-dah at some point to inspire me!

  12. Ooh, I'm so excited about your cushion pattern. Your crochet is such a joy.


  13. que bonito te va a quedar hagas lo que hagas,el color es precioso,un besazo

  14. A pattern? A PATTERN??? Soooooo excited could pee!!


  15. Nice nice nice. Make it the backside of the cushion :-)

  16. Oh my god. You CANNOT imagine my excitement at reading that you're going to write a pattern for the cushion. I've been pining over the blanket that you made like it but worrying about how I would figure it out. I am SO EXCITED!!

  17. I agree with Claire... you could square the circles off and make them into a blanket like Kate's.. OR... just leave them as they are and use them as coasters... OR... add beads and use them as jug covers...Can't wait for the cushion pattern :)x

  18. These are wonderful, cheerful projects. Thanks for sharing them!

  19. Really looking forward to the pattern as I loved your blanket


  20. Can't wait to see your finished cover love the use of all the different stitches!!

  21. How about a crochet version of the Hexapuff, that would be fab!

  22. I actually think if you get 9 of those circles made up, they'd be really cute to add to a very plain cushion - the colours are so lovely!

  23. Your new cushion cover is looking gorgeous, I love the colours and all the different patterns! Very cheerful and pretty!
    Helen x

  24. I just love the colours that you used. They are so bright and cheery and make you feel really happy when you see them. I love your creations.

  25. Am thinking that the jug covers with beads idea frm post above is a good idea for the circles.

    The cushion cover is just aglow with colour and interest, it looks great sitting on that table.

    I am still plodding along with the kitty cat from your tutorial. The legs are taking longer than I thought they would. One leg done, one leg and two arms still to go..

    It's cool up here in the Southern Highlands (NSW) today - the wind is even blowing from the south, which is a bit weird for this time of year - hope its nicer down where you are.


  26. Hello,

    wat lovely colors.

    greatings send you Conny

  27. Hi Jules
    Love those little circles...great colour combos...what type of yarn do you use? I read a lot of UK blogs and they discuss yarn used but I'm interested in what people in Oz are using and availability. Hope you can share.

  28. I cannot wait for you pattern! Your blanket and cushion covers are about my favourite crochet ever!

  29. Loving your circles I have some myself but as I am new to crochet would love to know how to square them off as I would like to do a
    Kadinskey style picture


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