
Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Just wanted to share this recipe.  It is the best shortbread recipe and is the only one my mum and aunts make, it's a bit of a family tradition........

Margie's Shortbread

225g butter (I usually melt the butter)
1/2 cup castor sugar
2 cups plain flour
3/4 cup ground rice (ground rice gives it a lovely, slightly gritty texture, so try and find it if you can, it's better than rice flour)

Mix all ingredients, press flat, or roll and cut out shapes.  Cook in moderate oven (around 180 degrees c)
until pale (around 12 minutes)

That's it, very simple, but so delicious and Christmassy!!


  1. Ooh, shortbread, love it and yours looks delish Jules......

    Might have to whip up a batch or two in the next day or so.

    Claire :}

  2. Sounds good, might have to make some today.

  3. Thanks for sharing .... sounds really yummy.

  4. Shortbread is the best Christmas cookie ever! Yours looks delicious. Have a wonderful Christmas!

  5. Interesting I've never come across a shortbread recipe with melted butter. Will be giving this a go as soon as I've finished the mince pies!


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